This Should Be Simple... Right?

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NeutralThis Should Be Simple... Right?
Start Tanithria
End Tanithria
Level 10-45
Category Tailoring
Experience 15,050
Rewards Trade tailoring.png Introduction to Silkweaving
Previous N Tailoring [10-45] Sew It Begins
Next N Tailoring [10-45] Consult the Locals


Craft a Handcrafted Silkweave Robe on Tanithria's Finishing Bench[sic]. You can find the pattern in your tailoring pattern list. You can find the materials for the pattern in her shop.


I have plenty of silk patterns that we can put this cloth to work on.

Help me to prepare the materials, <name>. We're going to put this cloth to good use and make you a new robe.


You will learn the following:

You will receive:


We're back in business again. How exciting!


That's a shame. Without the ability to do any stitching, we can hardly do anything with this fabric.

<Tanithria pouts.>

Still, there ARE patterns we know that don't require stitching. Shoulderpads are easy, and belts should be a cinch.



Tanithria says: Here, try this pattern out. And use my materials! You'll find them lying around the shop.
As the work progresses, wisps of smoke grow from your hands.
Tanithria says: What's that? What's happening with your thread? Why is the robe SMOKING?
You create: Handcrafted Silkweave Robe.
Tanithria says: What a disaster. Look, the thread is just falling right out of the fabric. I've never seen anything like this before.
Your receive item:  [Torn, Ragged Mess].


Patch changes

External links