The Great Swog

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NeutralThe Great Swog
Image of The Great Swog
Gender Male[1]
Race Hornswog (Dragonkin)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Roaring Dragonsprings, Ohn'ahran Plains [82.3, 73.2]
Status Alive

The Great Swog is a hornswog located in a cave at the Roaring Dragonsprings in the Ohn'ahran Plains.


Inv 10 fishing dragonislescoins gold.png [Gold Coin of the Isles]
5 Silver Coin of the Isles
Inv misc bag enchantedrunecloth.png [Immaculate Sac of Swog Treasures]
1 Gold Coin of the Isles
Inv misc bag 10 green.png [Regurgitated Sac of Swog Treasures]
1 Copper Coin of the Isles
Inv 10 fishing dragonislescoins silver.png [Silver Coin of the Isles]
15 Copper Coin of the Isles
Inv misc bag 16.png [Weighted Sac of Swog Treasures]
1 Silver Coin of the Isles



  • Game designer Sarah Cotner originally created the Great Swog as a killable mob, but subsequently felt bad about this and gave him to a different design team, who redesigned him to be a vendor.[1]

Patch changes


  1. ^ a b Sarah Cotner on Twitter (2022-08-10). Retrieved on 2022-10-06.​ “Fun fact - I created this great hornswog and then felt bad when I made him a killable creature. So I gave him to a different design team and they rolled with it.”

External links