The Eyes Have It

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AllianceThe Eyes Have It
Start  [Eye of Twilight] [57.9, 33.5]
End Low Shaman Blundy [49.8, 29.2]
Level 30-35
Category Twilight Highlands
Experience 27600
Rewards 18g
Previous A [30-35] We All Must Sacrifice
Next A [30-35] Eye Spy
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [30-35] The Eyes Have It.


Take the Eye of Twilight to Low Shaman Blundy at Thundermar in Twilight Highlands.


Very well then, <race>. You have purchased my services in blood. Take me back to the "Low Shaman" of Thundermar.

Oh yes, I already know where you're taking me. Blundy's meager, ale-soaked abilities are trivial. But you - you fascinate me, <race>. With my sight and your abilities, imagine the havoc we could unleash into this pathetic world together...


You will receive: 18g


You again? Wot? You bring me somethun'?


You found one? A gen-u-ine Eye of Twilight? Lemme see.

Oh Gods. It's lookin' at me. It's lookin' right back!

I need a drink. Can you face that thing toward the wall or somethin'?


Make sure to finish A [30-35] Potential Energy before heading back.


  1. A [30-35] A Coward's Due
  2. Complete all of:
  3. Complete all of:
  4. A [30-35] Magmalord Falthazar, A [30-35] Tempered in Elemental Flame, A [30-35] Hot Stuff, A [30-35] Potential Energy
    1. A [30-35] A Vision of Twilight
    2. A [30-35] We All Must Sacrifice
    3. A [30-35] The Eyes Have It
    4. A [30-35] Eye Spy
  5. A [30-35] Tear Them From the Sky!
  6. A [30-35] Last Stand at Thundermar
  7. A [30-35] Narkrall, The Drake-Tamer
  8. A [30-35] The Kirthaven Summit

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