We All Must Sacrifice (Horde)

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HordeWe All Must Sacrifice
Start  [Eye of Twilight]
End  [Eye of Twilight]
Level 30-35
Category Twilight Highlands
Experience 55200
Previous H [30-35] A Vision of Twilight
Next B [30-35] The Eyes Have It
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [30-35] We All Must Sacrifice.


Slay 10 Shaman of the Black.


<The eye speaks to you, its 'voice' reverberating as if coming from everywhere at once.>

You seek my sight, <race>? My powers come at a price. These disciples of the twilight have been honoring me with the blood of Wildhammer dwarves from the nearby ruins, but still I thirst. Perhaps you can do better.

Slay my old masters, and my vision is yours. Honor me with the slaughter of the Shaman of the Black. Blood is blood, after all.


<The Eye glimmers darkly, colors swirling about its dusky surface.>

Ah, the succulent thrill of life extinguished. Do you feel it, <class>? Do you relish it as I do?

No, I see not. You fight to protect the lives of others. Pity.


  1. H [30-35] The Northern Flank
  2. Complete all of:
  3. H [30-35] Narkrall, the Drake-Tamer
  4. Complete all of:
  5. Complete all of:
    • The Eye of Twilight:
    1. H [30-35] A Vision of Twilight
    2. H [30-35] We All Must Sacrifice
    3. H [30-35] The Eyes Have It
    4. H [30-35] Eye Spy
    • The Demon Chain:
    1. H [30-35] Bait and Throttle
    2. H [30-35] How to Maim Your Dragon
    3. H [30-35] The Demon Chain
    4. H [30-35] Fury Unbound
  6. H [30-35] Purple is Your Color & H [30-35] Dressed to Kill
  7. H [30-35] Whispers in the Wind & H [30-35] Thog's Nightlight & H [30-35] Night Terrors

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