Purple is Your Color

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HordePurple is Your Color
Start Rotgrum
End Rotgrum
Level 30-35
Category Twilight Highlands
Experience 69400
Reputation +250 Orgrimmar
Rewards 9g 40s
Previous H [30-35] Fury Unbound
Next H [30-35] Dressed to Kill


Gather up 8 Twilight Garment Scraps.


So far as I can tell, the Glopgut Ogres right outside the cave here have not yet joined up with the Twilight's Hammer. If we're clever, we can turn the two groups against each other.

Let's roll with a little trick I learned in Silithus. First we'll need to put together a set of cultist robes for you.

Head south of here and kill some Twilight Windwarpers in the Twilight Breach. Aside from disrupting whatever they're up to, it'll give you a chance to collect garment scraps.


You will receive: 9g 40s


This is good, <name>. With heroes like you stirring up trouble out here, we'll keep the cult distracted from our main invasion.

Do you have a disguise?


What did you manage to get? I suppose we can piece something together from this.

After all, you're not joining the cult. We just need to fool a few ogres.


  1. H [30-35] The Northern Flank
  2. Complete all of:
  3. H [30-35] Narkrall, the Drake-Tamer
  4. Complete all of:
  5. Complete all of:
    • The Eye of Twilight:
    1. H [30-35] A Vision of Twilight
    2. H [30-35] We All Must Sacrifice
    3. H [30-35] The Eyes Have It
    4. H [30-35] Eye Spy
    • The Demon Chain:
    1. H [30-35] Bait and Throttle
    2. H [30-35] How to Maim Your Dragon
    3. H [30-35] The Demon Chain
    4. H [30-35] Fury Unbound
  6. H [30-35] Purple is Your Color & H [30-35] Dressed to Kill
  7. H [30-35] Whispers in the Wind & H [30-35] Thog's Nightlight & H [30-35] Night Terrors

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