The Core of Kroshius

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NeutralThe Core of Kroshius
Start Hurak Wildhorn
End Hurak Wildhorn
Level 15-30
Category Felwood
Experience 7,850 XP
Rewards  [Shadow Curse Hood]
 [Whisperwind Armbands]
 [Infernal Breastplate]
 [Warlockbane Shield]
1g 40s


Obtain Kroshius' Infernal Core.


The most fearsome demon in Shatter Scar Vale is known as Kroshius. Though many have hunted him over the years, destruction has only made him stronger.

Time after time, warlocks have come to this forest and reanimated Kroshius. He now lurks in the southeast, surrounded by demonic fire, awaiting any who come to try and claim his power.

I will not have this corrupt cycle continue! Kill Kroshius, and bring his infernal core to me.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv helmet 186v2.png [Shadow Curse Hood] Inv bracer 67v2.png [Whisperwind Armbands]
Inv chest plate29v2.png [Infernal Breastplate] Inv shield 14.png [Warlockbane Shield]

You will also receive:

  • 1g 40s
  • 7,850 XP


The core must be kept away from Shatter Scar Vale.


This foul chunk is what those warlocks sought year after year. I will protect it myself, or destroy it if possible, and ensure Kroshius never rises again.


  1. Complete all of:
  2. Complete both these quest chains:
  3. A [15-30] The Denmother / H [15-30] Back to Business (optional breadcrumbs to Talonbranch Glade/Irontree Clearing)

Patch changes

External links