Navarax's Gambit

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NeutralNavarax's Gambit
Start Feronas Sindweller
End Huntress Selura
Level 15-30
Category Felwood
Experience 9,400
Rewards  [Selura's Cloak]
 [Demon Heart Pendant]
 [Navarax's Signet]
2g 10s
Previous N [15-30] Deceivers In Our Midst


Slay the demon impersonating Arch Druid Navarax.


I have been preying on these demonic impostors for some time now, and I have finally gleaned the location of their leader. It is none other than Arch Druid Navarax, the leader of the Emerald Circle.

The demon shields himself with innocents. If I entered Whisperwind Grove to hunt him, I would be set upon by ignorant protectors... but you! You can catch him unaware.

Return to Whisperwind Grove. Climb the druid tower and you'll find Navarax at the top, in his room amidst the boughs.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv misc cape 21.png [Selura's Cloak] Inv jewelry necklace 23.png [Demon Heart Pendant]
Inv jewelry ring 82.png [Navarax's Signet]

You will also receive:

  • 2g 10s
  • 9,400 XP


Have you anything to report?


I find it hard to believe everything you say, but the body of that demon is grim proof.

I will order an investigation into the druids at Jadefire Run right away, and make sure my higher-ups know the demon hunter may be content to remain in exile.


  1. Complete all of:
  2. Complete both these quest chains:
  3. A [15-30] The Denmother / H [15-30] Back to Business (optional breadcrumbs to Talonbranch Glade/Irontree Clearing)

Patch changes

External links