Running Their Course

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NeutralRunning Their Course
Start Tender Puregrove
End Tender Puregrove
Level 15-30
Category Felwood
Experience 6,290 XP
Rewards 70s
Next N [15-30] Weeding the Lawn


Slay 8 Felrot Coursers.


I'd love so much to save every creature in the forest, but as you probably have seen, some are just too far gone.

When we first founded Whisperwind Grove, the woods just to the south were full of beautiful coursers, majestic and gentle creatures. The corruption here hasn't made them violent, but they've wasted away to nearly nothing.

Even if they were cleansed, they would know only pain and suffering. Please, <class>, help put them down for me.


You will receive:

  • 70s

6,290 XP


Thank you, <name>. They won't spread the corruption any further, and they won't be in pain either.


  1. Complete all of:
  2. Complete both these quest chains:
  3. A [15-30] The Denmother / H [15-30] Back to Business (optional breadcrumbs to Talonbranch Glade/Irontree Clearing)

Patch changes

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