Hunting the Damned

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NeutralHunting the Damned
Start Hurak Wildhorn
End Hurak Wildhorn
Level 15-30
Category Felwood
Experience 6,290 XP
Rewards 70s


Slay 6 Infernal Sentries.


The first demons to set foot in this forest were infernals. Long ago, these powerful beings of stone and demonic fire fell from the sky to take this land for the Burning Legion.

The charred craters of Shatter Scar Vale to the south are where these infernals landed, and many still wander there. They are fierce foes, and killing them is both a worthy challenge and a noble cause.

I offer reward for those who join the hunt. Return here afterwards.


You will receive:

  • 70s
  • 6,290 XP


Have you slain many infernals?


I thank you for hunting in my stead, <class>.

I've found I must pace myself... finding too much thrill in hunting demons is a dangerous path.


  1. Complete all of:
  2. Complete both these quest chains:
  3. A [15-30] The Denmother / H [15-30] Back to Business (optional breadcrumbs to Talonbranch Glade/Irontree Clearing)

Patch changes

External links