Rejoining the Forest

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NeutralRejoining the Forest
Start Flourishing Protector
End Flourishing Protector
Level 15-30
Category Felwood
Rewards Money, XP;
 [Gifted Bough],  [Amulet of Living Wood], or  [Tree Ring Band]
Previous N [15-30] The Last Protector


Bring the Flourishing Protector back to the hill in the center of Irontree Woods.

  • Protector brought to hill


It is time to say goodbye now. You have raised me from a seedling, brief though it was, but now I must rejoin the forest.

Take me back to the hill you found me on. There I will set my roots, and grow in the shadow of the ancients that came before me.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv hammer 16.png [Gifted Bough] Inv jewelry necklace 24.png [Amulet of Living Wood]
Inv jewelry ring 53naxxramas.png [Tree Ring Band]

You will also receive:


Someday I will spread my branches across a renewed forest, full of life and hope.

Farewell, <name>. Have patience... and if you live long, you may see me again one day.


On completion
Flourishing Protector says: Yes, this is the spot.
Flourishing Protector says: Farewell, <name>...
The protector sets his roots and goes dormant, becoming completely still.


  1. Complete all of:
  2. Complete both these quest chains:
  3. A [15-30] The Denmother / H [15-30] Back to Business (optional breadcrumbs to Talonbranch Glade/Irontree Clearing)

Patch changes

External links