The Blank Scroll (item)

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For the short story, see The Blank Scroll.
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

The Blank Scroll was a scroll created by The Lorewalkers long ago and originally hidden within a lorevault in the cliffs of northern Pandaria. In contrast to the stories told by Lorewalker Cho, where the characters are images conjured up, the Blank Scroll has the ability to make any story become true. Having realized how dangerous a reality-warping artifact was, the Lorewalkers took on the burden of keeping the world safe from their creation and the possible consequences.[1]

Garrosh's world

When Druz, Ziya, and Lorewalker Shuchun located the Blank Scroll, Druz decided to bring it back to Trade Prince Gallywix. In order to keep him from making this horrible mistake, Shuchun began telling a story of what would happen should he do so, causing the Blank Scroll to alter reality and reflect her narration.

As Druz expected, Gallywix decided that the scroll was far too dangerous and hid it in secrecy within the lowest vault of Bilgewater Harbor. However, rumors inevitably spread throughout the land that he had kept a powerful weapon from Pandaria for himself and Garrosh Hellscream, believing he had done so because he was planning to rebel, attacked the goblins of Bilgewater Harbor to obtain it. In a duel between Gallywix and Garrosh, Druz fired his gun but hit the wrong target, killing the Trade Prince and bringing the scroll into Garrosh's hands.

With the Blank Scroll's powers, Garrosh destroyed the Exodar and Teldrassil and empowered the orcs into a mindless, unkillable army under his total control. Appalled by these actions, the tauren, and blood elves fled to the Eastern Kingdoms and united with the Alliance in a final stand against Garrosh at Stormwind City, but fell before the power of the Blank Scroll.

The Burning Legion gained control over the Dark Portal and an evil rose from Azeroth's oceans. In the end with no heroes to fight back, the world was destroyed and all life vanquished.

As the last words in her story, Shuchun narrated that none of what Druz and Ziya saw ever happened, and the Blank Scroll returned Azeroth to the way it should be. Having witnessed its terrifying power first-hand, the shaken Druz decided that such a powerful object should be left in the hands of the Lorewalkers, and gave Ziya paid time off to escort Shuchun in taking the Blank Scroll to another safe hiding place.
