Terl Arakor

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AllianceTerl Arakor
Image of Terl Arakor
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Location Sundown Marsh, Wetlands[27.4, 41.2]
Status Alive

Terl Arakor is a human standing next to a wagon on the road through Sundown Marsh in the Wetlands. His dialogue provides hints on how to find some of the rare mobs of the Wetlands.


  • I was up at Whelgar's a few days ago attempting to...er...liberate...some titan relics from the bones of the dead raptors, and I saw him! Sarltooth lives!
Well, he's undead, so I guess he doesn't live, but he exists. Sarltooth exists!
  • On my way down here from Dun Algaz I saw a gnoll hunting Threshadons[sic] in the middle of a lake. If you've never seen a dog try to use a spear, you're in for a treat!
  • The Dragonmaw are attempting to push out of the Angerfang Encampment and are already raiding the caravan to the east. They've called in two powerful warriors who are leading the charge. If you're up for a challenge, you might find them at the Encampment, planning and strategizing and doing other evil, Orcish things.
  • They say that the raptor matriarch lives deep within Raptor Ridge, protecting her clutch of eggs.
  • This is MY WAGON!

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