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Adds a nice icon to a location link.


   |Eastern Plaguelands}}
  • first - Supported zone
  • second - Replacement text
  • size - optional, supports "large" and "small" (default)


Zangarmarsh Zangarmarsh

Zangarmarsh Zangarmarsh


EPL Eastern Plaguelands

Supported zones

{{LocationIcon|<Alterac Mountains>}}

Alterac Mountains Alterac Mountains

{{LocationIcon|<Arathi Highlands>}}

Arathi Highlands Arathi Highlands


Ashenvale Ashenvale


Azshara Azshara

{{LocationIcon|<Azuremyst Isle>}}

Azuremyst Isle Azuremyst Isle


Badlands Badlands

{{LocationIcon|<The Barrens>}}

The Barrens The Barrens

{{LocationIcon|<Blackrock Mountain>}}

Blackrock Mountain Blackrock Mountain

{{LocationIcon|<Blade's Edge Mountains>}}

Blade's Edge Mountains Blade's Edge Mountains

{{LocationIcon|<Blasted Lands>}}

Blasted Lands Blasted Lands

{{LocationIcon|<Bloodmyst Isle>}}

Bloodmyst Isle Bloodmyst Isle

{{LocationIcon|<Borean Tundra>}}

Borean Tundra Borean Tundra

{{LocationIcon|<Burning Steppes>}}

Burning Steppes Burning Steppes

{{LocationIcon|<Crystalsong Forest>}}

Crystalsong Forest Crystalsong Forest


Dalaran Dalaran


Darkshore Darkshore


Darnassus Darnassus

{{LocationIcon|<Deadwind Pass>}}

Deadwind Pass Deadwind Pass


Desolace Desolace


Dragonblight Dragonblight

{{LocationIcon|<Dun Morogh>}}

Dun Morogh Dun Morogh


Durotar Durotar


Duskwood Duskwood

{{LocationIcon|<Dustwallow Marsh>}}

Dustwallow Marsh Dustwallow Marsh

{{LocationIcon|<Eastern Kingdoms>}}

Eastern Kingdoms Eastern Kingdoms

{{LocationIcon|<Eastern Plaguelands>}}

Eastern Plaguelands Eastern Plaguelands

{{LocationIcon|<Elwynn Forest>}}

Elwynn Forest Elwynn Forest

{{LocationIcon|<Eversong Woods>}}

Eversong Woods Eversong Woods

{{LocationIcon|<The Exodar>}}

The Exodar The Exodar


Felwood Felwood


Feralas Feralas


Ghostlands Ghostlands

{{LocationIcon|<Grizzly Hills>}}

Grizzly Hills Grizzly Hills

{{LocationIcon|<Hellfire Peninsula>}}

Hellfire Peninsula Hellfire Peninsula

{{LocationIcon|<Hillsbrad Foothills>}}

Hillsbrad Foothills Hillsbrad Foothills

{{LocationIcon|<The Hinterlands>}}

The Hinterlands The Hinterlands

{{LocationIcon|<Howling Fjord>}}

Howling Fjord Howling Fjord


Icecrown Icecrown


Ironforge Ironforge

{{LocationIcon|<Isle of Quel'Danas>}}

Isle of Quel'Danas Isle of Quel'Danas


Kalimdor Kalimdor

{{LocationIcon|<Loch Modan>}}

Loch Modan Loch Modan


Moonglade Moonglade


Mulgore Mulgore


Nagrand Nagrand


Netherstorm Netherstorm


Northrend Northrend


Orgrimmar Orgrimmar


Outland Outland

{{LocationIcon|<Redridge Mountains>}}

Redridge Mountains Redridge Mountains

{{LocationIcon|<Searing Gorge>}}

Searing Gorge Searing Gorge

{{LocationIcon|<Shadowmoon Valley>}}

Shadowmoon Valley Shadowmoon Valley

{{LocationIcon|<Shattrath City>}}

Shattrath City Shattrath City

{{LocationIcon|<Sholazar Basin>}}

Sholazar Basin Sholazar Basin


Silithus Silithus

{{LocationIcon|<Silvermoon City>}}

Silvermoon City Silvermoon City

{{LocationIcon|<Silverpine Forest>}}

Silverpine Forest Silverpine Forest


Stonard Stonard

{{LocationIcon|<Stonetalon Mountains>}}

Stonetalon Mountains Stonetalon Mountains

{{LocationIcon|<Stormwind City>}}

Stormwind City Stormwind City

{{LocationIcon|<Storm Peaks>}}

Storm Peaks Storm Peaks

{{LocationIcon|<Stranglethorn Vale>}}

Stranglethorn Vale Stranglethorn Vale

{{LocationIcon|<Swamp of Sorrows>}}

Swamp of Sorrows Swamp of Sorrows

{{LocationIcon|<Tanaris Desert>}}

Tanaris Desert Tanaris Desert


Teldrassil Teldrassil

{{LocationIcon|<Terokkar Forest>}}

Terokkar Forest Terokkar Forest


Theramore Theramore

{{LocationIcon|<Thousand Needles>}}

Thousand Needles Thousand Needles

{{LocationIcon|<Thunder Bluff>}}

Thunder Bluff Thunder Bluff

{{LocationIcon|<Tirisfal Glades>}}

Tirisfal Glades Tirisfal Glades

{{LocationIcon|<Un'goro Crater>}}

Un'goro Crater Un'goro Crater


Undercity Undercity


Westfall Westfall

{{LocationIcon|<Western Plaguelands>}}

Western Plaguelands Western Plaguelands


Wetlands Wetlands


Winterspring Winterspring


Zangarmarsh Zangarmarsh


Zul'Drak Zul'Drak