Talon Smoht

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NeutralTalon Smoht
Image of Talon Smoht
Title <Flight Master>
Gender Male
Race Bronze drakonid (Dragonkin)
Level 70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bronze dragonflight
Location Gelikyr Post, Thaldraszus
Status Alive

Talon Smoht is a bronze drakonid flight master located at Gelikyr Post in Thaldraszus.



Where would you like to fly to?

Taxi Show me where I can fly.

Off-Duty Guard says: I don't care that we're under attack. Why does everything have to be so disorganized...
Off-Duty Guard says: Look at this, Smoht! There's just a pile of loose gold on the floor! We're Dragonkin, not slobs!!
Talon Smoht says: Yup... Apologies. I'll clean it up next week.
Off-Duty Guard says: Smoht!!

Patch changes

External links