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That DP was linked across time via the shard of the Vision of Time. Fel being the source of energy to power it is irrelevant; the chronomancy ability came from something else. Just like how the elements used the shard to see into the future of our universe. --Aquamonkeyeg (talk) 18:37, 30 December 2014 (UTC)

I thought that was one of the points of the Hellscream short story, mentioning the interdimensional link between the shards in MU Azeroth and AU Draenor. We know fel magic can be used to bridge distances between a same dimension, as per "The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind"; what makes the AU portal different is the use of the shards. But "#getwrecked" seems to think otherwise.Unholy Cemotucu (talk contribs) 19:25, 30 December 2014 (UTC)
hey #foreigner-who-is-incapable-of-understanding-others, stop addressing me as if you're worth having a conversation with. I may be rude, but I take the time to understand what people are stating. You consistently spew garbage, stating things like Necromancy attained through Fel and Void isn't really because Necromancy was called an Arcane school. Given your logic, you must think Enchanting with Fel and Void isn't really Enchanting because Enchanting was called an Arcane school too huh? You must think Enchanters who use Fel for Enchanting aren't really Enchanters too huh?
The DP was not linked across time via the shard of the Vision of Time. There is NO SOURCE stating that the shard was used to affect the DP and there was no mention of Kairoz's or Garrosh's intention to use the shard to power the DP in the Hellscream short story.' Perhaps a course in reading comprehension might be prudent? Portals link two points, and what does the DP do? It links two points together. The shard isn't the portal, the Dark Portal is, and it's stated very clearly that the DP was fueled by powers neither mechanical or arcane. Until you have a source stating the DP was influenced by the Shard....#getwrecked
If there is a source stating the shard was used to affect the DP then I'll accept it, but I wouldn't want to be ignorant like some people and state Chronomancy isn't achievable through FelVisionOfPerfection (talk) 21:52, 30 December 2014 (UTC)VisionOfPerfection
Keep it civil.--SWM2448 22:34, 30 December 2014 (UTC)
I'll try my best to keep it civil bro. It's just so difficult to be civil when you're dealing with someone who addresses you with no intention of acknowledging what you have to state.VisionOfPerfection (talk) 23:23, 30 December 2014 (UTC)VisionOfPerfection
It may not have been directly stated, but it's pretty blatantly obvious that that was the mechanism - how else would anyone from Draenor have possibly even contemplated the sheer mechanics of connecting the Dark Portal not just to another world, but to another timeline - and to a specific period within that timeline, to boot? Why else would Kairoz have bothered to explain that the shard was still connected to the other fragments in the main timeline unless that was the precise mechanism by which the connection was to be established? Crossing timelines has been firmly established as something that is incredibly difficult to do, even for the bronze dragonflight. If it could be done by anyone with knowledge of fel magic, then there's no reason the Burning Legion couldn't have just made an infinite army with an infinite number of themselves and then laid waste to the vast infinity of every universe. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 23:34, 30 December 2014 (UTC)
In case you need me to be more clear:
"Think it through, Hellscream." Kairoz's voice was light. "Because most of the hourglass is still in our Azeroth, this piece resonates with our timeway. Call it a glimpse… a glint of time. With a little work on my part—"
"We can go back." Garrosh felt his heart race and his skin tingle. Plans began to unfold within his mind. "Not just back to our Azeroth. It could take us back to our time."
--Dark T Zeratul (talk) 00:27, 31 December 2014 (UTC)
As I recall Kairoz was explaining that the shard held some power and he would employ some of his own powers in addition to the shard to time travel. Kairoz wasn't going to use Fel magic to time travel >.>
Fel magic is chaotic and can be used to manipulate reality (manipulate space), so why can't Chronomancy (the art of manipulating time) be achieved through Fel? Chronomancy falls under Transmutation. Transmutation involves manipulating time and/or space, and Teleportation falls under Transmutation as well. Teleportation can be achieved through Fel magic, and Fel portals aren't as limited as Arcane portals and can be made twice as big. The shard may have affected the DP but if Fel can be used to manipulate space, it isn't too surprising if it can be used to manipulate time as well. It's very logical if Fel can be used for time manipulation (Chronomancy) on a small scale and that the shard reinforced/powered the link/portal that was designed to cross time and altered the portal so that those who enter it enter into a specific point in time instead of a random one. I don't know if the Priests' [Borrowed Time] spell involves Arcane energy (doesn't seem like it), but magic of all types can achieve the abnormal, and it seems as if Chronomancy is being achieved through that spell. The fact is, Kairoz didn't create an Arcane/"Chronomantic" portal to bring the IH to Azeroth, the portal used to time travel was a Fel portal and Fel portals can most likely link timeways, but I'm willing to create a speculation section for this.
As for why the BL couldn't have just made an infinite army with an infinite number of themselves would assume Sargeras is powerful enough to achieve what Bronze Dragons are capable of achieving....He may not have been Aman'Thul, who manipulated and kept track of time but you would assume Sargeras spent enough time with Aman'Thul to know how to weave/manipulate timelines with Arcane magic, albeit not as skillfully as Aman'Thul. You would assume Sargeras or other demons who also wield Arcane experimented and have found a way to alter time via Slow Fall and Slow spell, which still falls under Chronomancy. It would not make any sense if the BL hasn't found a way to alter time after tens of thousands of years....especially since one of the most powerful group of Arcane users are the Man'ari Eredar.
The only logical explanation as to why the BL hasn't created multiple BL's is just cuz' lulz Blizzard.VisionOfPerfection (talk) 00:54, 31 December 2014 (UTC)VisionOfPerfection


I see no reason not to move it. --Mordecay (talk) 16:38, 11 July 2018 (UTC)