Tagar Bloodhoof

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For his The Frozen Throne statistics, see Tagar (Warcraft III). For other uses, see Tagar.
HordeTagar Bloodhoof
Image of Tagar Bloodhoof
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bloodhoof tribe
Location Ohn'ahran Plains
Status Alive

Tagar Bloodhoof served as Cairne Bloodhoof's faithful second in command and currently serves as the leader of the tauren within Toghusuq Village.[1]


The Frozen Throne

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

A noble tauren warrior of the Bloodhoof tribe, Tagar served as Caine's second in command. After Baine Bloodhoof was captured by a band of centaur led by Khiragg, Cairne fell into a deep lethargic depression, which led Tagar to unofficially take over. However, despite managing the tauren, Tagar was fearful that without the leadership of Cairne, the tauren would not last long. In time, the tauren were visited by Rexxar, Rokhan, and Chen Stormstout, who sought to rally the tauren to aid the Horde in the battle against Daelin Proudmoore.

After the despondent Cairne waved the group away, Tagar stepped forward and explained Baine's capture, Cairne's depression, and then implored the group to seek out Bovan Windtotem in the plains of Mulgore, with the hopes that working together that they could find and rescue Baine. Baine was subsequently returned to the tauren, bringing Caine back to his former state of wisdom and courage.

Tagar also issued tasks such as the elimination of harpies hunting the village's kodo herds.

After Cairne made the decision to journey with Rexxar for the fight against the Admiral, it was implied that Baine and Tagar were left to led the tauren in his absence.[2]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Tagar was among the groups of tauren that decided to travel with the Windtotem, as they journeyed to the Ohn'ahran Plains within the Dragon Isles led by Bovan Windtotem's vision from Ohn'ahra. However as they traversed the plains, they were attacked by Clan Nokhud and Primalists forces, who were convinced that the tauren were druids seeking to aid the Green dragonflight.[3] While Bovan and other tauren found themselves taken prisoner, Tagar was able to lead the survivors to Toghusuq Village. In Bovan's absence he took up leadership of the tauren, and bared any centaur entry into the village, a fact that outraged Scout Tomul who was aiding Baine Bloodhoof in his search for Bovan. However, Tagar defended this decision by citing that every centaur they had met within the plains had sought to harm them and thus in these times, they must act out of an abundance of caution. To that end, he also warned Baine to be careful when trusting Tomul.[4]

After Baine returned to the village with Bovan's corpse, Tagar reflected how decades ago he had asked Bovan to help save Baine from the centaur, Thus he had owed him a great debt and was unable to return the favor by saving him. Acknowledging that he would have to bear that for the rest of his life, Tagar declared that his only path forward was to honor his memory by protecting his people.[5] He subsequently presided over the attended tauren and the Maruuk Centaur to honor their shared fallen.[6]

As the tauren began rebuilding Toghusuq Village, he was approached by Boku who invited the tauren to remain in the plains. He responded that it was not his decision but the Windtotems' to decide when they were ready. However, he privately admitted that the plains reminded him of Mulgore, of home.



With Bovan missing, I act as the leader of the tauren here.

We have taken shelter in this abandoned village for now. But stay vigilant--the centaur may attack at any time.

Gossip What is the history between the tauren and the centaur?

Long ago, centuries before Thunder Bluff and the Horde, we were nomads. We wandered Kalimdor in tribes, following the migration of the kodo and other game.
Then the centaur poured out of Desolace like a flood. They ravaged the lands and fell upon us like a plague.
Over generations of war, the centaur sought our extermination. No peace. No mercy. Most centaur we met tried to kill us on sight.
Only with the arrival of the Horde were we able to defeat the centaur once and for all.
But we will never forget what the centaur did to us.
Gossip I'd like to ask something else.

Gossip Why won't you let Tomul into the village?

During our time here, every centaur we have met has tried to do us harm. Many have been lost in these attacks.
This centaur may claim to want to help, but you understand why we must act out of an abundance of caution.

Gossip Why did the tauren come to the Ohn'ahran Plains?

The Windtotem have many differences from other tauren tribes. They remained nomads, and never settled in Mulgore. Another difference is their veneration of the wild god Ohn'ahra.
Recently, Bovan believed he received visions from Ohn'ahra. They showed the Windtotem traveling to a faraway land. After much discussion, the tribe decided to follow the visions.
When Bovan told Thunder Bluff of his intentions, some decided to join him.
It is still unclear what his visions meant. And with Bovan gone, we may never know.
Gossip I'd like to ask something else.
Gossip after a reset after completing A Final Word
This little centaur speaks of omens and portents, much like Bovan did. I believe he is extending an invitation for the tauren to stay in these plains.
That decision is not mine to make. When the Windtotem are ready, they will decide for themselves.
<Tagar looks out at the rolling grasslands.>
Though I admit, these lands strongly remind me of the grassy plains of Mulgore.
Of home.


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