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Stormshield Guard

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AllianceStormshield Guard
Image of Stormshield Guard
Gender Both
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 40-70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Location Stormshield, Ashran

Stormshield Guards are guards found in Stormshield. Some appear further in Ashran.


  • Ability warrior cleave.png Cleave — Inflicts 110% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its nearest ally.


Two Stormshield Guards can be found talking next to the flightmaster in Stormshield.

  • Stormshield Guard 1 says: The Horde is growing bolder every day. They attacked another one of our outposts this morning.
Stormshield Guard 2 says: Did those mongrels forget that we're supposed to have a treaty?
Stormshield Guard 1 says: It looks that way. I think they fear that if we do find the artifact, we'll end up using it against them.
Stormshield Guard 2 says: If they keep attacking our soldiers the way they have been, they may just drive us to it.
  • Stormshield Guard 1 says: I hear that Harrison Jones still isn't any closer to finding that artifact.
Stormshield Guard 2 says: How long does he plan to take? We can't stay holed up here forever with the Horde breathing down our necks.
Stormshield Guard 1 says: I hope it's not much longer. I haven't seen my family in Stormwind in months.

What do you need directions to?

Gossip Auction House.
Gossip Bank.
Gossip Flight Master.
Gossip Inn.
Gossip Mailbox.
Gossip Other Continents.
Gossip Pet Battle Trainer.
Gossip Profession Trainer.
Gossip Stable Master.
Gossip Transmogrification & Void Storage.
Gossip Vendor.
Gossip Item Upgrade.

Patch changes

External links

es:Guardia Escudo de Tormenta