Storming Stormwind (quest)

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Not to be confused with Horde  [Storming Stormwind].
HordeStorming Stormwind
Start Lady Sylvanas Windrunner
End Nathanos Blightcaller
Level 110 (Requires 110)
Category Orgrimmar
Experience 24,680 XP
Rewards 58g 20s
Shareable Yes
Previous H [110] Tides of War

Storming Stormwind is the first alpha version of the Horde introduction quest, H [10-60] The Stormwind Extraction. During the development, the quest went through several changes, most notably the Orgrimmar meeting, the involvement of Marshal Inora Wyrmbane, the finding of Varok Saurfang in the Stockades, and many dialogues rewrites.


Complete "The Stormwind Extraction" scenario.

  • Speak to Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner
  • Meet your team
  • "The Stormwind Exctraction" scenario complete


Listen closely, champion.

I received word that a vessel containing important information was en route for Bladefist Bay. That ship never arrived.

My scouts have reported that it was seized by the Alliance and taken to Stormwind.

You will find this vessel and its contents and deliver it to me.

Nathanos has assembled a team to aid you in this mission. Success will mean much for the Horde, <name>. Speak to me when you are ready to begin.


You will receive:

  • 58g 20s
  • 1, 650 XP


Well, here we are. Zuldazar. We had better stick with Talanji and Zul for now. The Warchief will be interested to know what happens next.


  • Upon accepting the quest, speak with Sylvanas again.
Gossip What would you ask of me, Warchief?
A cinematic plays, absent
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Your team is assembled. Retrieve my prize, Nathanos, <Name>.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: They are gathered on the eastern zeppelin tower. I will meet you there.
Thalyssra salutes
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: We meet again, friend.
Rokhan waves
Rokhan says: 'Ey, mon.
Lasan waves
Lasan Skyhorn says: Hail, friend of Highmountain.
Nathanos points at you
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Good, we're all here. Pick a bird and get settled in. It's going to be a long flight to Stormwind.
  • Mount the eagle to begin the scenario.

Stage 1: In the Dead of Night

  • Description: Infiltrate Stormwind City.
  • Infiltrate Stormwind City
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Listen up. We won't be in contact once we're inside.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: You, Thalyssra, and Rokhan will infiltrate the Stockades and extract the prisoners.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Our scouts located a hidden entrance in the park. The tauren and I will cover your escape.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: We have no other objectives. There will be no reinforcements.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: If you want to live, there can be no witnesses.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: There's our way out. Get to that ship once you have the prisoners.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: I'll find you. Good luck.

Upon arriving at Lion's Rest, Nathanos will broke off and you and your team fly to Sewer Access Gate, and Lasan and the eagles break off.

Stage 2: Down the Drain

  • Description: Open the sewer access gate.
  • Enter the Stockades.
  • Open the Sewer Access Gate

Click on two Padlocks and then open the Sewer Access Gate. Rokhan and Thalyssra jump down, emerging in the Stormwind Stockade.

Stage 3: The Stockades

  • Description: Infiltrate the Stockades.
  • Follow Thalyssra
  • Meet up with Rokhan

Upon arriving, Rokhan kills an Imprisoned Thug and Thalyssra blasts an Incarcerated Troublemaker. Rokhan goes to picklock the cell door.

Rokhan says: Deh 7th Legion be here. Whoever we breakin' out, deh humans not takin' chances.
Rokhan says: I be goin' on ahead to find deh prisoners. Cover my back.
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: We will draw their attention. Be careful.

Rokhan sneaks away, Thalyssra and the player attacks enemies: 7th Legion Sharpshooter, 7th Legion Enforcer. Riverpaw Gnolls can be found dead and several Jailed Thieves and Imprisoned Thugs can be seen. Go with Thalyssra across the dungeon, killing enemies, until you find Rokhan.

Stage 4: Honor and Loyalty

  • Description: Release High Overlord Saurfang.
  • Release Saurfang
Flavor - Rokhan

I t'ink you best be takin' dis.

Click on the Cell Door.

A cinematic plays, is absent.

High Overlord Saurfang says: I will buy you as much time as I can to complete your mission. The ones you are looking for are just down the hall.
Rokhan says: Yah not comin' with us?
High Overlord Saurfang says: Are you going to make me?
Rokhan says: I don' recall hearin' dat command, now dat yah mention it.
Saurfang starts walking towards the guards.
High Overlord Saurfang says: Hmph.
High Overlord Saurfang says: Take me to your boy King. I would have words with him.

Stage 5: The Primary Objective

  • Description: Release the prisoners and escape the Stockades.
  • Release the other prisoners
  • Escape the Stockades
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: I do not think we will be afforded the same courtesy.
Rokhan says: T'ink yah right about dat. All de same, got a job to do.

Rokhan and Thalyssra run to face the remaining guards. Once they are dead, the group moves to the cell containing Zul the Prophet and Princess Talanji.

Zul the Prophet says: Ah, our escort arrives. Just as I said, Princess.

Click on the Cell Door. The prisoner step out to speak with the group.

Princess Talanji says: My Prophet tells me you be allies.
Rokhan says: Prophet? Yah not dat good Zandalari--
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: We are here to rescue you. I am Thalyssra, and this is Rokhan.
Zul the Prophet says: A little haste would be advised.

7th Legion Battlemages and Marshal Inora Wyrmbane teleport next to the Horde, stunning the group for a second and silencing them. They also created magic barriers.

Marshal Inora Wyrmbane says: Lock it down!
Rokhan says: Dat's some powerful voodoo. Thalyssra?
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: They're raised a nullification barrier. I cannot cast.
Rokhan yells: Move!

The group moves back to the dungeon's crossroad where they are cornered by barriers. Thalyssra looks to the north side, Rokhan to the west side, and Zul and Talanji to the eastern side.

Princess Talanji says: Which way is out?
Rokhan yells: Dis way!
Zul the Prophet says: I would suggest going the other way, Highness.

The group starts facing the eastern side.

Princess Talanji says: Better be right! Let's go!

Talanji blasts the barrier on the eastern side with a spell. The group engages the battlemage and the other forces until eventually Marshal Inora Wyrmbane teleports in.

Marshal Inora Wyrmbane yells: You will go no further.
Marshal Inora Wyrmbane says: No one catches the 7th Legion unawares. Die, Horde filth!
Marshal Inora Wyrmbane says: Someone... stop them...

Upon arriving in the room behind Wyrmbane, facing a pipeline.

Princess Talanji says: It smells... unpleasant.
Rokhan yells: Where does dis lead?
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: Out, if the troll is to be believed.
Zul the Prophet says: By all means, spend more time discussing it.

Click on its Stormwind Sewage Pipeline to finish the stage.

Stage 6: The Stormwind City Shuffle

  • Description: Escape Stormwind City undetected.
  • Follow Rokhan

Rokhan used his power and called a Loa to stealth the group. Keep in the circle, close to him during the duration of the stage. Avoid Stormwind Guards, Stormwind Knights, detector robots, Town Criers, and even King Anduin Wrynn himself!

First Arcanist Thalyssra says: We should not linger here.
Rokhan says: I can keep us hidden, long as no one does anythin' stupid. Just give de word.

Talk to Rokhan to begin moving.

Rokhan - Flavor

We gotta get out of here. I kin help us sneak past all dem guards.

Let me know when you be ready to go.

Gossip Let's go.
Rokhan says: Alright. Stay close. We all friends now.

Walking up a bit, a town crier appears, stopping the group.

Town Crier says: Hail, defenders of Stormwind!
Town Crier says: A reward of fifty gold pieces will be levied for each Horde infiltrator brought to the Keep.
Town Crier says: Dead or alive.

Once the crier finishes, he leaves and the group continues. They stop for a bit when the robots pass by.

Zul the Prophet says: Stop a moment.
Zul the Prophet says: Continue.

Another town crier, looking for intruders, appears, and the group moves to a building, then they continue.

Rokhan says: Move quick, off de path.

They move to a side when the robots appear.

Rokhan says: Let's cross at de bridge. Unless yah Prophet got a problem with dat.
Princess Talanji says: Don't you worry, we'll know if his life is in danger.

The group moves to a bridge.

Zul the Prophet says: Jump into the canal. Now.
Princess Talanji says: What?
Zul the Prophet says: NOW.

The group jumps into the water, avoiding Anduin Wrynn who is personally on duty to protect his people and his Stormwind Royal Guards, and Stormwind Clerics.

Anduin Wrynn says: Remain alert. SI:7 has informed us that the enemy emerged near the Keep.
Anduin Wrynn says: They cannot have gone far. Your vigilance safeguards us all.
Rokhan says: Yah couldn't think to give us a little more warning?
Zul the Prophet says: Clearly you did not need it.

The group emerges from water.

Rokhan - flavor
Rokhan says: We not gonna last much longer at dis pace. We got tah run for deh docks.
Gossip I will be right behind you.
Rokhan says: We bettah hurry. Stay close, now.

The group continues through the bridge to Cathedral District.

First Arcanist Thalyssra says: Wait... where are the guards?
Princess Talanji says: Zul is not soiling himself. It may be nothing.
Zul the Prophet says: Well, not nothing.

Genn and his worgen appear - cinematic, absent.

Stage 7: WAY Behind Enemy Lines

  • Description: Escape the Cathedral district.
  • Escape the cathedral district

Thalyssra conjured up a barrier that deflects the attacking Gilnean Maulers. Talanji and Rokhan also attack the worgen.

First Arcanist Thalyssra says: I will hold them... as long as I... can!

Genn Greymane, who harbors a deeply seated hatred for the Horde, along with Gilnean Battlemages and Gilnean Shieldwalls appear. Nearing them will result in death.

Genn Greymane yells: I have found them, my King! I will bring you their tusks for a trophy!
Rokhan says: Deh old wolf got our scent. We got tah get out of here!

Once the maulers are defeated, the magic barrier is down and the group begins to run, no longer stealthed.

Genn Greymane yells: Scurry, like the rats you are!

More maulers will attack the group. Genn and his units will be close behind you.

Princess Talanji says: Look out!
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: They were waiting for us. We've been compromised.

Zul runs to a town crier's dropped torch and picks it up.

Zul the Prophet says: They really should not leave these things lying around. Someone may get hurt.
Rokhan says: We got to get back to de canals. We be easy pickin's here! Follow me!
Zul the Prophet says: We should wait here.
Princess Talanji says: What is it now?

The path to Stormwind Harbor is blocked by Jaina Proudmoore who has not forgotten the crimes the Horde has committed against her and her people. She has frozen aura around her and casts an ice wall to block the way into the harbor. Nearing to her will result in ice block and death.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I have known the Horde to be cruel, heartless. Ruthless in their pursuit of victory. But this...?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: This is folly. You will die here, and an unmarked grave will be all you have to show for it.
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: We cannot fight her. Run. Run!

The group begins to move to the cemetery, with Genn and his group still behind them.

Genn Greymane yells: Look at them flee, tails between their legs!

Stormwind Battlemages teleport to the entrance of the cemetery and attack the group.

Rokhan says: Dey trying to box us in. Can't let dem get us cornered.
Zul the Prophet says: I'll just leave this here.
Princess Talanji says: We don't have time for-- Ooooh.

Zul drops the torch and sets a building ablaze. Soon it spreads. The group continues running.

Genn Greymane yells: They've blocked the path-- quickly, to the harbor!
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: I can see the harbor!

Nathanos Blightcaller and the two Deathguard Elite appear on the platform leading down to the harbor. Nathanos fires arrows at guards and knights charging at the group. Jaina stands on the opposite side of the platform, shooting numerous frostbolts on the ground.

Nathanos Blightcaller says: I distinctly recall saying something about witnesses. Namely, how there should be none.
Rokhan says: Don't act like yah not happy to see us.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Delighted. Truly. Now, let's move. On your mark.

Speak with Nathanos to finish the stage and continue.

Nathanos - Flavor

Catch your breath. We won't stop until we reach the ship.

Gossip I'm ready.

Stage 8: The Harbor Run

  • Description: Reach Talanji's ship in Stormwind Harbor.
  • Reach Talanji's ship
Nathanos Blightcaller says: I hope this goes without saying, but try not to get hit by her barrage.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Stay together and we can survive. Let's go.

The group heads down to the harbor. They stop by the lion statue as the path is blocked by Jaina's ice walls.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: That is far enough!
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: She has blocked the path behind us! We are trapped.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: You will not harm another soul in this city!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Die, Horde scum!
Nathanos Blightcaller says: What are you waiting for? Break the ice!

Destroy Icy Wall. The group attacks it as well.

Princess Talanji says: My loa hears us. Mighty Rezan, lend me your strength!
Talanji casts a spell to shield the group from Jaina's frostbolts.
Rokhan says: I don't know a Rezan, but I be owing him my thanks.!
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Let's move!

Once the wall is destroyed, continue with the group to the main section of the Harbor filled with Dwarven Riflemen, Gnomish Gyro-Engineers, Teldrassil Sentinels, Exodar Peacekeepers, Gilnean Maulers, Stormwind Knights, and Stormwind Battlemages.

First Arcanist Thalyssra says: Their forces must have returned from Lordaeron.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: We can't sneak through now. We'll just have to punch a hole.

Continue following the group, killing mobs that attack you until you reach the platform with piers.

Zul the Prophet says: We should pause a moment.

Lasan and the eagles fly above you, attacking / drawing the enemies. Continue to the pier.

Lasan Skyhorn says: Hahahaha!
Rokhan says: Aha! Lasan you clever moose-mon!
Princess Talanji says: I need twenty of those birds.

Continue to the end of the pier.

First Arcanist Thalyssra says: Are they not pursuing us?
Nathanos Blightcaller says: No... but I think I know why. Look.

Final Stage: Well, Ship

  • Description: Escape Stormwind Harbor on Talanji's Ship.
  • Escape Stormwind Harbor
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: You have killed many of my people to get this far. But it is over.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Surrender, and I will return you to the Stockades where you belong. There you will await the King's justice.

Jaina roots the group with a Frost Nova and starts walking towards it.

Nathanos Blightcaller says: Respectfully, we have a boat to catch.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Then perish.

Zul the Prophet says: Let us not be hasty.
Zul the Prophet says: You can finish us, mere pawns of the Horde, or you can quench the flames that will otherwise burn Stormwind to the ground.
Zul the Prophet says: Your choice.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: No... it can't be.
Zul the Prophet says: Tick tock.

Jaina teleports back to the city to save it. In the background, you can see the city burning. The group boards the ship. Lasan and his eagles also arrive.

Nathanos Blightcaller says: Remind me never to make you angry.
Zul the Prophet says: The future is uncertain.
Princess Talanji says: Come. We must away to Zuldazar.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: I think not. I have orders to return you to the Warchief directly.
Princess Talanji says: Seeing as how this is my ship and you at present have no other way to leave, I suppose you will need to adjust your plans.
Zul the Prophet says: We can discuss it on the way, Highness.

Talk to Talanji to finish the scenario.

Talanji - Flavor

Regardless of what your Warchief wants, I must return to my people. We are going to Zuldazar, as this is my ship and this is your only way out of Stormwind.

Do you have a problem with that?

Gossip Not at all.

A cinematic of Talanji wrecking the Alliance fleet will play here.

Scenario complete, you appear in the Port of Zandalar in Zuldazar. There, Nathanos has the following gossip text:

For now, I will let you and Rokhan decide the best course of action as he knows these people better than I.
Besides, these trolls are prejudiced against those like myself that refuse to stay dead. I do not want their short-sighted views on life to get in the way of us gaining their fleet.
We must not fail. Sylvanas must have her fleet.

Talk to Nathanos to finish the quest.


  1. H [110] Tides of War
  2. H [110] Storming Stormwind

Patch changes

External links