Staff of the Primus

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This article is about the object. For the quest, see N [60] Staff of the Primus.
The staff in the Seat of the Primus.

The Staff of the Primus is the weapon of the namesake Eternal One.[1]


At some point after the Primus' disappearance, his staff was obtained and subsequently wielded by Margrave Sin'dane of the House of Rituals. During Baron Kel'Thuzad's revolt against Sin'dane, Baroness Ninadar stole the staff from the margrave, allowing Kel'Thuzad to capture her.[2]

Ninadar subsequently used the staff for herself until the necrolord and venthyr assault on the House of Rituals, during which she inadvertently caused herself to explode by trying to absorb too much anima. Miraculously, the staff survived intact. Balmedar picked it up and stated that the attackers might stand a chance against Kel'Thuzad if they returned the weapon to Sin'dane. During the confrontation with Kel'Thuzad in Exoramas, Balmedar placed the staff in the captive Sin'dane's hand, allowing her to break free of the ice imprisoning her. After Kel'Thuzad's escape, Sin'dane agreed to ally with the necrolords and gave the staff to Baroness Draka as proof of her good faith.[1] The necrolords subsequently returned the weapon to the Primus' statue in the Seat of the Primus.[3]

After the Primus was freed from his imprisonment as the Runecarver, the Staff of the Primus or at least a weapon similar to it immediately returned to his hands.[4] However, Sin'dane was later seen also using the Staff of the Primus,[5] instead suggesting the necrolords returned it to her. No explanation is given for the fact that the weapon seemingly appears in two places at once.

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In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

The Staff of the Primus appears as a common death knight weapon in the TITANS expansion. Its flavor text reads: THE PRIMUS, RULER OF MALDRAXXUS, MASTER STRATEGIST, AND wielder of toothpicks!


Patch changes

See also


External links