Spies to the Left and Right

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NeutralSpies to the Left and Right
Start Kalecgos
End Left
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Heart of Azeroth
Experience 17,850
Reputation +250 Champions of Azeroth
Rewards  [Radiant Azerite Core] (750x Azerite)
23g 40s
Previous N [50] Whispers of N'Zoth
Next N [50] Black Winged Shadow


Seek out Wrathion at the Tavern in the Mists.


Ebonhorn cannot resist the whispers for long. The dark forces that once corrupted the black dragonflight seek to overwhelm the world once again.

We need a way to fight back. While I am loathe to mention him, I do know of someone who has been studying the Old Gods in order to better combat their insidious power: Wrathion.

The Black Prince has associates in Pandaria, in the Tavern of the Mists at the Veiled Stair. I suggest you begin your search there.

Please hurry, <name>.


You will receive:


The Black Prince isn't here. But we might be able to help you find him.


Good work getting rid of those spies.

Things have been quiet here for a long time. And now, suddenly, all eyes are on us. So to speak.

The Black Prince is notoriously secretive about his plans. I'm not in the habit of reading other people's journals, but I'm guessing he expected you to feel differently about it.


On accept:

Kalecgos says: Hurry, champion. Find Wrathion. He may be Ebonhorn's only hope.

Get to the Shrine of Two Moons or the Shrine of Seven Stars in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Then either take the flight path or fly to the Tavern in the Mists on the Veiled Stair.

Speak with Left:

We were told to stay here and wait for further orders. And so we've waited. When do we get our chance for some action?
Gossip (Quest) Ebonhorn is in trouble. Where is Wrathion?
You know as much as we do. He hasn't made contact with us since handing us those journal pages.
Left says: The Black Prince told us to expect you. Said his brother would need his help eventually.
Left says: We're supposed to deliver a message to you... but not while we are being watched.
Right says: Get rid of our uninvited guides. Then we can talk.

Head outside and defeat six Lurking Observers. Once that's done, return to Left:

Gossip (Quest) You said you had a message for me?
Left says: Here. The prince wanted you to have these. For your eyes only.

Left provides  [Torn Journal Page #7]. Read or not, then speak with Left to continue.


  1. N [50] Whispers of N'Zoth
  2. N [50] Spies to the Left and Right
  3. N [50] Black Winged Shadow
  4. N [50] To the Catacombs!
  5. N [50] On the Trail of the Black Prince
  6. N [50] Save Ebonhorn
  7. N [50] Wrathion's Journal

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