Southpoint Gate

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HordeSouthpoint Gate
Southpoint Gate from ground.jpg
Type Outpost
Leader(s) IconSmall Undead Female.gif High Executor Darthalia
Race(s) ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
Affiliation(s) Undercity, Horde
Location Western Hillsbrad Foothills
Status Unknown

No Inn          No Mailbox

No Stables

No Anvil & Forge

No Bank       No Auctions
Travel Yes Flight Master(s)
No Mass-transit
No Portal(s)

Southpoint Gate (or Southpoint Blockade)[1] is a Forsaken outpost in Hillsbrad Foothills, on the border with Silverpine Forest. Most notably this is where the adventurer for the first time becomes a quest giver dispensing out three quests for three different types of other "heroes".

The area surrounding the gate has been overrun by Domesticated Creepers, and Infested Bears now wander around with spider eggs on their backs.

It was built over the now-destroyed Southpoint Tower.

Horde champions encountered Darius Crowley at the Sludge Fields, where he led a Gilnean army against Hillsbrad.[2] Given that, in order to reach the Sludge Fields the Gilneans would have had to go through Southpoint Gate, it is unknown how the gate fared by the end of the war.


Viewed from the air

H [7-30] Welcome to the Machine recipients


Patch changes


External links