Siegelord Xerosh

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MobSiegelord Xerosh
Image of Siegelord Xerosh
Gender Female
Race Nerubian spiderlord (Humanoid)
Level 75-78
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Tenir's Ascent, Hallowfall[57.7, 68.17]
Status Killable

Siegelord Xerosh is a nerubian spiderlord leading the nerubian attack on Tenir's Ascent in Hallowfall. She has been responsible for countless Arathi deaths over the years. Alleria Windrunner and an adventurer kill her in order to repel the attack on the docks.[1]


  • Spell nature earthquake.png Burrowing Strike — The caster burrows into the ground and resurfaces nearby, inflicting Physical damage to players within 8 yards and knocking them back.
  • Ability druid disembowel.png Mandible Strike — Strikes the target, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Spell nature insect swarm2.png Stinging Swarm — The caster envelops the target in a swarm of stinging insects for 8 sec, inflicting Nature damage every 1 sec and reducing their movement speed by 30%.

Objective of


We shall break the Arathi here!
Destroy everything!

Patch changes


  1. ^ N [75-78] Zero Out Xerosh

External links