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Shao the Defiant

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NeutralShao the Defiant
Image of Shao the Defiant
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Nectarbreeze Orchard, Jade Forest
Status Alive

Shao the Defiant is a pandaren located at Nectarbreeze Orchard in Jade Forest.



Initial gossip
You're obviously no farmer...
After the first two quests
It's a good thing you came along - I could not resolve this alone.
At Camp Gormal, post N [10-35] The Splintered Path
The mogu empire was overthrown centuries ago. These ruins have been here - and abandoned - for as long as anyone can remember.
Why would they come back now?
Objectives of last two quests completed
I knew it was within their power to defy the mogu - they just needed someone like you to show them how.
All quests completed
I don't know where you came from, but if you'll continue to stand up for justice as you have done today, you'll be welcome in Pandaria.
Thank you.
Main article: Gentle Mother Hanae#Quotes
Main article: The Splintered Path#Notes

Patch changes

External links