Unbound (Jade Forest)

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Captured Nectarbreeze Farmer
Start Shao the Defiant [41.0, 74.0]
End Shao the Defiant [41.0, 74.0]
Level 10-35
Category Jade Forest
Experience 110000
Rewards 9g 80s
Previous N [10-35] The Splintered Path


Set 10 Captured Nectarbreeze Farmers free in Camp Gormal.

  • Farmers Set Free x10


Can you see them, <name>? Farmers from the orchard, tied up and under inspection. Being hauled off in chains.

The mogu value strength above all else. Anyone deemed fit for work will be sent to toil under their cruel whips.

As for the others, well...

Let's not waste any more time.


You will receive: 9g 80s


Those ropes should give with a strong tug.


The pandaren were subjected to mogu rule in ancient times - we'll never let it happen again.


  • 110000 XP


Pick up N [10-35] Maul Gormal before heading out. Head in to the town and either free netted farmers or kill the slavers dragging farmers around. Down the path at the beach is Subjugator Gormal, a level 85 mogu with 1,106,000 health. Kill him then head back to the tree where Shao was at earlier.


Optional breadcrumb: N [10-35] An Air of Worry

  1. N [10-35] Defiance, N [10-35] Rally the Survivors, N [10-35] Spitfire, N [10-35] Orchard-Supplied Hardware
  2. N [10-35] The Splintered Path
  3. N [10-35] Unbound & N [10-35] Maul Gormal

Patch changes

External links