The Splintered Path

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NeutralThe Splintered Path

Shao on the Splintered Path
Start Traumatized Nectarbreeze Farmer [43.2, 75.9]
End Shao the Defiant [41.0, 74.0]
Level 10-35
Category Jade Forest
Experience 110000
Rewards 9g 80s
Previous N [10-35] Defiance, N [10-35] Rally the Survivors, N [10-35] Spitfire, N [10-35] Orchard-Supplied Hardware
Next N [10-35] Unbound, N [10-35] Maul Gormal


Follow the path of fallen trees from the northwest corner of Nectarbreeze Orchard and find the mogu raiders camp.


First... before the war-cries... we heard the trees.

Groaning, creaking, and finally crashing down as the mogu cut their way through the woods. They were making the return trip easier...

They're dragging our friends back down that path, to the ruins west of the village! Those ruins have been empty for years - our children play there.

Why would the mogu come back to them now?


You will receive: 9g 80s


This doesn't look like a quick snatch and run. They're setting up for something big.


  • 110000 XP


On accept:

Shao the Defiant says: I heard everything, <name>. Go ahead to the camp and I'll meet you there.

Just to the north of the house, the trees have fallen outward. Follow the path to the northwest. Gormali Stalkers may jump wandering adventurers:

Mogu ambushers descend from the trees. Look out!
Gormali Stalker says: Look at what we have here! Another straggler from the orchard...

Take a left when the path forks to reach Camp Gormal. Shao is hiding behind a tree to the left of the path.

Shao the Defiant says: Over here, <name>!


Optional breadcrumb: N [10-35] An Air of Worry

  1. N [10-35] Defiance, N [10-35] Rally the Survivors, N [10-35] Spitfire, N [10-35] Orchard-Supplied Hardware
  2. N [10-35] The Splintered Path
  3. N [10-35] Unbound & N [10-35] Maul Gormal

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