Gentle Mother Hanae

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NeutralGentle Mother Hanae
Image of Gentle Mother Hanae
Gender Female
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Nectarbreeze Orchard, Jade Forest
Status Alive

Gentle Mother Hanae is a caring pandaren found at the safe house in Nectarbreeze Orchard of the Jade Forest. She is tending to the wounded farmers.



Gentle Mother Hanae says: Who's out there, Shao? Is it safe?
Shao the Defiant says: Stay inside, Hanae! Adventurer, please see if there's anything the Gentle Mother needs. She is working tirelessly to tend to the survivors inside.
  • You're the first person to come through that door who isn't in shock, injured, or both.
I'm hoping that means you can help.
  • Until recently, the mogu in this region have been content to ambush travelers in the woods. This raid was different; they are organized... filled with purpose.

Patch changes

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