Server:Tanaris US/Profession/Enchanting

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Realms.gif  Tanaris US (Player vs Environment)




Server Information

Welcome to the Tanaris US server page on WoW Wiki. Tanaris was first opened up in August of 2006, and was quickly populated with several guilds looking for a fresh start. After the initial push to 60, Genesis came out as the premier Tanaris Guild. Genesis proceeded to open the Gates to An'Qiraj, and disbanded a few days later. Several other guilds formed in Genesis' absence, but the raiding atmosphere was very stifled.

After the Burning Crusade expansion, a raiding guild, Ham 'n' Swiss transferred to the server. They led raiding progression, and eventually reformed under a new name, Momentum. They dominated the alliance raiding scene till several officers transferred off server, and effectively ended Momentum.

Currently there are several home grown smaller guilds vying for the top raiding guild position, with most of the raiding population predominantly on the Alliance side.

Community Links


Enchant Boots Effect Alliance 15.gif Alliance Horde 15.gif Horde
[Enchant Boots - Boar's Speed] +9 Stamina
Minor movement speed increase
[Enchant Boots - Cat's Swiftness] +6 Agility
Minor movement speed increase
Levia, Alyssande, Broin  
[Enchant Boots - Dexterity] +12 Agility    
[Enchant Boots - Fortitude] +12 Stamina Levia, Darianne, Azulito  
[Enchant Boots - Surefooted] +10 hit rating and 5% snare and root resist Darianne  
[Enchant Boots - Vitality] 4 hp/mana regen per 5 sec Levia  
Enchant Bracer Effect Alliance 15.gif Alliance Horde 15.gif Horde
[Enchant Bracer - Fortitude] +12 Stamina Levia  
[Greater Dodge] +12 Defense rating Levia, Darianne, Alyssande Pathology
[Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime] 6 mana regen per 5 sec Levia  
[Enchant Bracer - Spellpower] +15 spell dmg Levia, Alyssande  
Enchant Chest Effect Alliance 15.gif Alliance Horde 15.gif Horde
[Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats] +6 to all stats Levia, Darianne, Alyssande Pathology
[Enchant Chest - Major Resilience] +15 Resilience rating    
Enchant Cloak Effect Alliance 15.gif Alliance Horde 15.gif Horde
[Enchant Cloak - Greater Arcane Resistance] +15 Arcane Resistance Levia, Darianne  
[Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance] +15 Fire Resistance Levia Pathology
[Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance] +15 Nature Resistance Levia  
[Enchant Cloak - Greater Shadow Resistance] +15 Shadow Resistance Levia, Darianne  
[Enchant Cloak - Dodge] +12 Dodge Rating    
[Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance] +7 to all resists Levia  
[Enchant Cloak - PvP Power] +20 Spell Penetration Levia, Darianne, Azulito, Alyssande Pathology
[Enchant Cloak - Stealth] +5 stealth level    
[Enchant Cloak - Subtlety] -2% Threat Generation Pritin  
Enchant Gloves Effect Alliance 15.gif Alliance Horde 15.gif Horde
[Enchant Gloves - Major Healing] +35 Healing Levia, Darianne, Azulito, Alyssande Pathology
[Enchant Gloves - Major Spellpower] +20 spell dmg Levia, Darianne, Alyssande Pathology
[Enchant Gloves - Spell Strike] +15 Spell Hit Rating Levia, Darianne, Azulito, Alyssande Pathology
[Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility] +15 Agility Levia  
[Enchant Gloves - Threat] -2% Threat Generation Levia  
Enchant Shield Effect Alliance 15.gif Alliance Horde 15.gif Horde
[Enchant Shield - Resistance] +5 All Resistance   Pathology
[Enchant Shield - Shield Block] +15 Block Rating Levia Pathology
Enchant Weapon Effect Alliance 15.gif Alliance Horde 15.gif Horde
[Enchant Weapon - Agility] +15 Agility (19/29 Twinks)   Lyndon
[Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster] Heal party for 180-300 Levia  
[Enchant Weapon - Crusader] (see link)    
[Enchant Gloves - Healing Power] +55 Healing (For 19/29 Twinks)   Pathology
[Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing]      
[Enchant Weapon - Major Healing] +81 Healing Levia, Darianne, Alyssande Pathology
[Enchant Weapon - Major Intellect] +30 Intellect Levia, Darianne Pathology
[Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower] +40 spell dmg Levia, Christophel, Darianne, Azulito Pathology
[Enchant Weapon - Mongoose] (see link) Levia Lyndon
[Enchant Weapon - Potency] +20 Strength Levia Pathology, Lyndon
[Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost] +54 frost/shadow dmg Levia, Alyssande Lyndon
[Enchant Weapon - Spellpower] +30 spell dmg (19/29 Twinks)   Lyndon
[Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge] (see link) Levia  
[Enchant Weapon - Sunfire] +50 arcane/fire dmg Levia, Darianne  
Enchant Two-Handed Weapon Effect Alliance 15.gif Alliance Horde 15.gif Horde
[Enchant 2H Weapon - Agility] +25 Agility (19/29 Twinks)   Lyndon
[Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Agility] +35 Agility Levia, Azulito Lyndon
[Enchant 2H Weapon - Savagery] +70 Attack power Levia, Darianne, Azulito