Server:Tanaris US/Profession/Leatherworking

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Realms.gif  Tanaris US (Player vs Environment)




Server Information

Welcome to the Tanaris US server page on WoW Wiki. Tanaris was first opened up in August of 2006, and was quickly populated with several guilds looking for a fresh start. After the initial push to 60, Genesis came out as the premier Tanaris Guild. Genesis proceeded to open the Gates to An'Qiraj, and disbanded a few days later. Several other guilds formed in Genesis' absence, but the raiding atmosphere was very stifled.

After the Burning Crusade expansion, a raiding guild, Ham 'n' Swiss transferred to the server. They led raiding progression, and eventually reformed under a new name, Momentum. They dominated the alliance raiding scene till several officers transferred off server, and effectively ended Momentum.

Currently there are several home grown smaller guilds vying for the top raiding guild position, with most of the raiding population predominantly on the Alliance side.

Community Links


Leather Slot Alliance 15.gif Alliance Horde 15.gif Horde
[Belt of Deep Shadow] Waist Peso, Boaz, Archaez  
[Belt of Natural Power] Waist Boaz, Archaez  
[Cobrascale Gloves] Hands Archaez  
[Cobrascale Hood] Head Asbjorn Rezar
[Gloves of the Living Touch] Hands   Oxaca
[Hood of Primal Life] Head   Mitchhedberg, Oxaca
[Shadowprowler's Chestguard] Chest Archaez Rezar
[Windscale Hood] Head   Rezar
[Windslayer Wraps] Hands Asbjorn, Archaez Rezar
[Blastguard Belt] Waist Cenador, Archaez Oxaca, Rezar
[Blastguard Boots] Feet Archaez Oxaca, Rezar
[Blastguard Pants] Legs Archaez Rezar
[Enchanted Clefthoof Boots] Feet Edulith, Archaez  
[Enchanted Clefthoof Gloves] Hands Eduith, Archaez  
[Enchanted Clefthoof Leggings] Legs Edulith, Archaez  
[Fel Leather Boots] Feet Ainbhioth, Archaez Rezar
[Fel Leather Gloves] Hands Ainbhioth, Eduith, Archaez Oxaca, Rezar
[Fel Leather Leggings] Legs Archaez Rezar
[Heavy Clefthoof Boots] Feet Cenador Pathias, Oxaca
[Heavy Clefthoof Leggings] Legs Cenador Pathias, Oxaca
[Heavy Clefthoof Vest] Chest Cenador Pathias, Oxaca
[Stylin' Jungle Hat] Head Edulith, Asbjorn, Osprey Oxaca, Pathias
[Stylin' Purple Hat] Head Asbjorn, Osprey Oxaca, Pathias
Mail - Alliance 15.gif Alliance Horde 15.gif Horde
[Earthen Netherscale Boots] Feet Archaez  
[Living Dragonscale Helm] Head Asbjorn  
[Belt of the Black Eagle] Waist Wylder, Caladain, Archaez  
[Monsoon Belt] Waist Tristann, Peso, Archaez  
[Netherdrake Gloves] Hands Archaez Rezar
[Netherdrake Helm] Head   Rezar
[Thick Netherscale Breastplate] Chest Cenador  
[Windstrike Gloves] Hands Asbjorn, Archaez  
[Enchanted Felscale Boots] Feet Edulith  
[Enchanted Felscale Gloves] Hands Edulith, Archaez  
[Enchanted Felscale Leggings] Legs Edulith, Archaez  
[Felstalker Belt] Waist Edulith, Cenador Oxaca
[Felstalker Bracers] Wrists Edulith, Cenador Oxaca
[Felstalker Breastplate] Chest Edulith, Cenador Oxaca
[Flamescale Belt] Waist Cenador Oxaca
[Flamescale Boots] Feet   Oxaca
[Flamescale Leggings] Legs    
[Netherfury Belt] Waist Cenador Oxaca
[Netherfury Boots] Feet Cenador Oxaca
[Netherfury Leggings] Legs Cenador Oxaca
[Stylin' Adventure Hat] Head    
[Stylin' Crimson Hat] Head Asbjorn  
Misc Type Alliance 15.gif Alliance Horde 15.gif Horde
[Nethercobra Leg Armor] Armor Kit Asbjorn  
[Nethercleft Leg Armor] Armor Kit Asbjorn  
[Arcane Armor Kit] Armor Kit Asbjorn Oxaca
[Flame Armor Kit] Armor Kit Asbjorn  
[Frost Armor Kit] Armor Kit Asbjorn  
[Nature Armor Kit] Armor Kit Asbjorn Oxaca
[Shadow Armor Kit] Armor Kit Asbjorn  
[Drums of Battle] Drums    
[Drums of Restoration] Drums   Oxaca
[Drums of Speed] Drums   Oxaca
[Drums of War] Drums   Oxaca