Server:Feathermoon US/Guilds and Characters

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This article is an information page for the Feathermoon realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.



Listed here is only a small representative of the vast and eclectic Feathermoon US community. Feel free to list your characters below! To make your own character page, go to the appropriate faction below and enter your character name in the following format:



Character is the in-game name of the character;
and Name is the full name of the character and the name that is displayed for the link.

For guildelines on creating a character page, see the Player Character section of the Fan fiction guidelines for further information and rules about making a player character page.

Alliance Crest Alliance »

Horde Crest Horde »

  • Adamn Sunstrike (a)
  • Aethan Heroditus Endymion Dresner (a)
  • Akil (a)
  • Araask (a)
  • Ambershanks Runetotem (a)
  • Aniko Leanan'Sidhe (a)
  • Arcane (a)
  • Ashlin (a)
  • Baichinko (a)
  • Baji (a)
  • Baelgund of the Horde (a)
  • Beetle (a)
  • Behrg (a)
  • Binka (a)
  • Kayne Bladebreaker (a)
  • Bregdark (a)
  • Bullhoof Runningbear (a)
  • Brakkis Seafury (a)
  • Caduceus (a)
  • Calam Stormrunner (a)
  • Calvo (a)
  • Damakai (a)
  • Damukag (a)
  • Danzy (a)
  • Daspian Autumnfury (a)
  • Degmarlee (a)
  • De'jia (a)
  • Delial Ebonfall (a)
  • Demilich (a)
  • Dium (a)
  • Donee (a)
  • Dracarys (a)
  • Frostwolf Captain Drek'Tholar (a)
  • Drotto of the Crossroads (a)
  • Dukago (a)
  • Ebon Thundermoon (a)
  • Ellington (a)
  • Emeline (a)
  • Endrance (a)
  • Evria (a)
  • Felya Winthrop (a)
  • Firea (a)
  • Furgle (a)
  • Galean von Carnadin (a)
  • Ghoste (a)
  • Groggan (a)
  • Gryphus Eagletotem (a)
  • Günstrak Dawnbiter (a)
  • Gutenacht Mitternacht (a)
  • Haplo (a)
  • Ignati von Carnadin (a)
  • Ilhu (a)
  • Ihraeline (a)
  • Irenke (a)
  • Ironhorn (a)
  • Ishnara Windwhisper (a)
  • Jacke Braxton (a)
  • Jaeger Valerush (a)
  • Trei du Jaishara Rexxus (a)
  • Janje (a)
  • Jest (a)
  • Julcsa Breakspear (a)
  • Archmage Kadonai Starfire/Kattronis Firesoul (a)
  • Kaelgrim (a)
  • Kajeela (a)
  • Kalish Tok (a)
  • Kank (a)
  • Karreth D'Lars (a)
  • Katukra (a)
  • Kaylia Torrea (a)
  • Kirfkin Silverhoof (a)
  • Konzz (a)
  • Koroshk of Bleeding Hollow (a)
  • Ktina (a)
  • Kull Truehorn (a)
  • Labrae (a)
  • Lakota Matsujin (a)
  • Linedan Granitehoof (a)
  • Loche Shadowstalker (a)
  • Lorsik Areman (a)
  • Lujza Spiritdancer (a)
  • Mackh (a)
  • Marin Graytotem (a)
  • Maladroit (a)
  • Malkavet (a)
  • Meios Maeiv Myr'Draeval (a)
  • Mariska "Cili" Stormborne (a)
  • Masada Valerush (a)
  • Melciah (a)
  • Migthou (a)
  • Moranog (a)
  • Murdock, of Brill (a)
  • Navre Grimtotem (a)
  • Nim'jhal (a)
  • Okrth (a)
  • Pernese Blackwind (a)
  • Puk (a)
  • Raels (a)
  • Raendron Skysworn (a)
  • Raiston (a)
  • Rakor (a)
  • Ramza Ironmane (a)
  • Reigndancer Ravenhoof (a)
  • Runamuck (a)
  • Sadaye Briarwood (a)
  • Samhuinn Blackhorn (a)
  • Sarah Jane Smith (a)
  • Satturos Waylorn (a)
  • Sejinal (a)
  • Sibilya Morn'thanal (a)
  • Takji Ra'jin (a)
  • Tarohu and Iliendri: The Spiritualist and the Sun Priestess (a)
  • Tashlama (a)
  • Tantrus (Thantrus) Fehryn (a)
  • Tcharn Darkhoof (a)
  • Theungor (a)
  • Tojarra Blackhand (a)
  • Uta of the Warsong Clan (a)
  • Vapula the Dark Child (a)
  • Vilbrixi (a)
  • Vont (a)
  • Wilken Levarian Raynor (a)
  • Worldpeace (a)
  • Xyne (a)
  • Yejmarley (a)
  • Zajingo (a)
  • Zull Truehorn (a)


All guilds are encouraged to create a guild wiki page, following the examples in the list below. Please read the Guild policy page to see the required information that needs to be on a guild page for it to be kept on the wiki site. Note that if the information is not there, the page will be marked for deletion. All guilds that have been inactive will be moved to the inactive section: if you have any information about them, feel free to add to the relative webpages, so that we can preserve the history of Feathermoon.

Alliance Crest Alliance »

  • Alliance First Infantry (a)
  • Alliance Swashbucklers (a)
  • Anomaly (a)
  • Arcane Academy (a)
  • Armed to the Teeth (a)
  • Azure (a)
  • The Black Lotus Circle (a)
  • BLoodfire Syndicate (a)
  • Brethren (a)
  • The Boomstick Gang (a)
  • Cains Wisdom (a)
  • Catalyst (a)
  • Concordia Angerona (a)
  • Chaos (a)
  • Counter Tauren Unit (a)
  • Covenant of the Fox (a)
  • Damage Incorporated (a)
  • Darkness (a)
  • Dark Titans (a)
  • Defenders of Valor (a)
  • Diamond Soul (a)
  • Dragonspell (a)
  • Duality (a)
  • Echoes Eternal (a)
  • Emerald Guard (a)
  • Enclave of Artifice (a)
  • Enduring Nobility (a)
  • esoteric (a)
  • Ethereal (a)
  • Eye of Virtue
  • Fates End (a)
  • The First of Justice (a)
  • Fulcrum (a)
  • Gambit (a)
  • Garden of Life (a)
  • Gnome Land Security (a)
  • Hater Tots (a)
  • Heroes of Azeroth (a)
  • Holy Church of St Bizmir (a)
  • Hunters of the Scourge (a)
  • Judean Peoples Front (a)
  • Knights of the Dark Tower (a)
  • Keepers of the Blade (a)
  • Land Lobsters (a)
  • Lost Muse Order (a)
  • Love and Peace (a)
  • Murloc Assassins (a)
  • Mischief Makers (a)
  • Moonlight Crusaders (a)
  • Novus Nox (a)
  • Oasis (a)
  • Ohtar en Oionarru (a)
  • Order of the Cog (a)
  • Order of the Rose (a)
  • Order of the White Tower (a)
  • Petty Revenge (a)
  • P n H (a)
  • Poets of the Blade (a)
  • The Red Eagle Flight (a)
  • The Regiment (a)
  • Righteous Might (a)
  • Safe Haven (a)
  • Shadow Titans (a)
  • {{{3}}} (a)
  • Sodalitas (a)
  • Star Riders (a)
  • Tel Dae Vakhar (a)
  • Templars of Stromgarde (a)
  • The Legion (a)
  • The Quikswitch Defenders (a)
  • The Quikswitch Project (a)
  • The Validus Knights (a)
  • The Wind of Hope
  • Veritas Alius (a)
  • Vicious Pack Gnome Association (a)
  • The Vigilant Watch (a)
  • Viridian Steel (a)
  • Wards of the Circle (a)

Horde Crest Horde »

  • Aloaki (a)
  • Akatuski (a)
  • Azeroth Hunt Club (a)
  • The Cartographic Society (a)
  • Chaos Storm (a)
  • Clan of da Flyin Axe (a)
  • Cult of the Neverborn (a)
  • Desert Fury (a)
  • Doragon (a)
  • Dragon Veil (a)
  • Earthtreader Tribe (a)
  • Ebon Hand (a)
  • Esoteric Order of Dagon (a)
  • Eastern Militia (a)
  • Farplane Walkers (a)
  • Horde Misfits (a)
  • Horde Swashbucklers (a)
  • Lethal Prophets (a)
  • Lost Muse Tribe (a)
  • Mythos (a)
  • Noxilite (a)
  • Obeah Chakari (a)
  • Odious (a)
  • Orgrimmar Marauders (a)
  • Pestilent Swarm (a)
  • Pro Amore Ludi (a)
  • Relentless (a)
  • Riders of the Storm (a)
  • Riddle of Steel (a)
  • Shadow Council (a)
  • Team Voodoo (a)
  • The Hellfire Club (a)
  • The Hellfire Club (a)
  • The Sidewinder Band (a)
  • The Undead Legion (a)
  • The Wolves of Kalimdor (a)
  • The Magisterium (a)
  • Thundering Hammer Clan (a)
  • Tyrants of the Horde (a)
  • Twisted by Design (a)
  • Umbral Advent (a)
  • Wardens of Alextrasza (a)
  • Warsong Raiders (a)
  • White Kodo Clan (a)

Inactive Guilds

As time and interests wane, tempers flare, or members leave to puruse new interests in other organizations, many formerly active and prominent guilds eventually find their end as they disband or become inactive. Listed below are examples of those guilds, recorded in order to maintain a complete and accurate history of the Feathermoon US roleplaying server.

Alliance Crest Alliance »

  • Shield of Dawn
  • Combustion
  • Mutiny

Horde Crest Horde »

  • 40 Blades of Grom
  • Asylum
  • Cryptic Legions
  • Cryptocracy
  • Cult of the Squirrel
  • Earthtreader
  • Ghost Wolf Pack
  • Hand of the Forsaken
  • Low Red Moon
  • The Pride
  • Thalassian Cartel
  • Netherbright Regiment

Guild Associations

Horde Crest Horde

Alliance Crest Alliance