Server:Feathermoon US/Nictus

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Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Nictus Vael'Kyn Alliance Feathermoon IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Rogue Rogue 70 Guild:Shardracona (Feathermoon US) Silver Hatchling
Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank

Nictus Vael'Kyn

Nictus Vael'Kyn
Nictus Vael'Kyn

  • Height: 8 feet 2 inches

  • Weight: 360 pounds

  • Ears: A respectable 23 1/2 inches long, Nic's ears are generally in a relaxed position, but they do perk up when his curiousity has been piqued, and are known to lay down flat to his skull when he is expecting combat

  • Title: Talah'serar

  • Current Status: In addition to his racial duties, Nictus has taken up the responsibilities of Spymaster for the Guildwatch, gathering any and all available intelligence on Horde criminals that infringe on Alliance territory. Most recently Nictus has been the object of a courtship by Sentinel Azhandris Summerwind, much to his surprise and elation.

  • Guild: Guild:Shardracona (Feathermoon US)

  • Nicknames: Nic, also known as "The Gardener" in the shadier parts of Ironforge and Stormwind

  • Professions: Nictus is a gardener of some small repute, and a grand master Alchemist

  • Armory Profiles: [1]