Sad Little Accidents

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NeutralSad Little Accidents
Start Ranpiata
End Hudson
Level 65-68
Type Dungeon
Category Dungeon
Experience 7,850
Reputation +200 Iskaara Tuskarr
Rewards 26g 91s 48c
Previous N [65-68] The Joy of Painting
Next N [65-68] Even Trees Need Friends


Recover Hudson's Lost Paintings from the final bosses of the Ruby Life Pools, Nokhud Offensive, and Brackenhide Hollow dungeons.


You came all this way... I'm sorry.

My dear Hudson used to love painting. It was his life! I don't know what's caused this block.

A few weeks ago on his way back from a painting trip, he took all his unfinished paintings and threw each away in a fit of rage.

Please, traveler, if you don't mind... could you find them? They may just give him back the spark he needs.

Hudson does not shy away from dangerous places to find the best vistas. I hope you are prepared.


You will receive:


Go away.


What? What have you done?

Why would you bring me this garbage?!


Upon accept
Ranpiata says: Hudson used to paint morning to night... But a few months after I met him, he... stopped.
Ranpiata says: I tried not to press him about it. He always seems so happy when we're together.
Ranpiata says: But as soon as something reminds him of his art, he gets like this. I wish I knew how to help him.
Upon completion
Ranpiata walks toward Hudson.
Ranpiata says: My love, I understand you are frustrated. But <name> went through so much to get these paintings.
Ranpiata says: Could you at least meet this young artist?
Hudson says: ... Oh, all right...


  1. N [65-68] The Joy of Painting
  2. N [65-68D] Sad Little Accidents
  3. N [65-68] Even Trees Need Friends
  4. N [65-68D] Beat the Demons Out of It
  5. N [65-68] Happy Little Accidents

Patch changes

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