Happy Little Accidents

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NeutralHappy Little Accidents
Start Ranpiata
End Rauvros
Level 10-70
Category The Azure Span
Experience 7,850
Reputation +200 Iskaara Tuskarr
Rewards  [Artist's Easel]
26g 91s 48c
Previous Beat the Demons Out of It


Find Hudson's last piece.


<Ranpiata's eyes look damp.>

Is it me? Am I the reason he has lost his spark?

He says he loves me, but... you heard how not painting makes him feel.

I want what is best for him. If he is better off... I will go.

There is one last piece he threw away. The last thing he tried to draw before giving up.

I could not bear to see it go. I hid it away in our home. Please... bring it to him... as a memento.


You will receive:

Inv inscription certificate.png [Artist's Easel]


What a strange tuskarr. How does one get so stuck in their own head?

Is this just what being an artist is like? Will that happen to me too? Oh dear.


This all seems a bit much for me. I just wanted to learn to paint from a master!

But... it has made me think about what my art means to me a bit more.

I think... maybe I'm done with painting.

I'm just going to leave my paints here... maybe try something new...


Head back downstairs and search up Ranpiata's Satchel. Then, speak with Hudson:

Gossip <Hand Hudson the drawing.>
Ranpiata and Rauvros head downstair and stand in front of Hudson.
Ranpiata says: My love... I won't be what holds you back. I will leave.
Hudson says: No! Ran, I never said that! Losing you would be far worse than never painting again!
Ranpiata says: But you said--
Rauvros says: This drawing... it's messy, unfinished... and the proportions are totally off.
Rauvros says: But look how happy you both are! The smile... the twinkle in her eyes... you captured it perfectly!
Rauvros says: You're happy! Isn't that what matters?
Hudson looks stunned.
Hudson says: I... You're right. Maybe my art... was something that comforted me when I was lonely.
Hudson says: I see it now... I don't need to paint! Our love, Ranpiata, is my greatest work of art.
Ranpiata smiles at Hudson.
Ranpiata stands next to Hudson. Heart emotes appear above their heads.
Upon completion
Hudson says: Wait!
Hudson says: It's a good thing you gave those old tools away. Such fine materials are merely a crutch!
Rauvros says: Huh?
Hudson says: Come, use my brush. We must start with the fundamentals.
Hudson says: Maybe I'll paint again one day, maybe not. But helping you find your own joy in your art... that feels like it will also give me happiness.
Rauvros beams.
All three exist the building, Ranpiata stands in front of it, while Hudson and Rauvros head further and the tuskarr instructs the dragonspawn on painting.


  1. N [10-70] The Joy of Painting
  2. N [10-70D] Sad Little Accidents
  3. N [10-70] Even Trees Need Friends
  4. N [10-70D] Beat the Demons Out of It
  5. N [10-70] Happy Little Accidents

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