Rune of Grace

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For the paladin rune, see  [Rune of Grace].

Rune of Grace teaches the [Demonic Grace] rune for pants.


This rune can be found in four different zones:

Dun Morogh

Obtain  [Ominous Tome] from Frostmane Seers and Shadowcasters,  [Wendigo Blood] from Wendigos and Young Wendigos, and a  [Wolf Jawbone] from wolves throughout the zone. Take these items to the Ritual Stone at Shimmer Ridge to summon Soboz, who drops the Rune when slain.


Obtain  [Ominous Tome] from Voodoo Trolls and Hexed Trolls, a  [Makrura Leg] from Makrura Clackers and Makrura Shellhides, and a  [Kul Tiran Skull] from Kul Tiras Marines and Sailors. Take these items to the Summoning Circle on the Echo Isles to summon Soboz, who drops the Rune when slain.

Elwynn Forest

Obtain  [Ominous Tome] from Kobold Geomancers and Defias Rogue Wizards,  [Gnoll Blood] from gnolls throughout the zone, and a  [Wolf Jawbone] from wolves throughout the zone. Take these items to the Summoning Circle in the Slaughtered Lamb basement to summon Soboz, who drops the Rune when slain.

Tirisfal Glades

Obtain  [Ominous Tome] from Darkeye Bonecasters,  [Gnoll Blood] from gnolls in Garren's Haunt, and a  [Hound Jawbone] from darkhounds throughout the zone. Take these items to the Summoning Circle in the [Undercity]] Sewers to summon Soboz, who drops the Rune when slain.

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