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Image of Rikati
Title <Bilewing "Honey" Vendor>
Gender Male
Race Vulpera (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Four Stingers, Vol'dun[40.4, 55.4]
Status Alive

Rikati is a vulpera quest giver and wasp farmer located at the Four Stingers in Vol'dun. He specializes in extracting the bilewing wasps' "honey" (in other words, venom) from their stingers and selling it.[1] He is friends with Rhan'ka; even though Rikati considers the troll to be "crazier than a bag of ranishu"[2] and has no idea what Rhan'ka does with all of the honey he buys, he is still Rikati's best customer.[1]

After Rhan'ka's Goldtusk Inn is ransacked by the Sandfury, he rides by the Four Stingers and tells Rikati to hide his honey from the Sandfury bandits. Rhan'ka also asks adventurers to visit Rikati and get some bottles of his honey, "de best honey in all of Vol'dun", to add some sweetness to his planned scorpid blood drinks.[2] Though Rikati's supply is getting low, he gives a special deal to the adventurers since they were sent by Rhan'ka. After the adventurers gather some wasp stingers and give them to Rikati so he can drain them of the "honey",[1] he gives them a batch of the stuff to give to Rhan'ka.[3]

Vendor information

The following items can initially be bought from Rikati:

Trade alchemy potiona1.png 5x [Bilewing "Honey"]
27g 20s
Inv misc food 163 fish 91.png [Snake on a Stick]
2g 50s
Inv drink waterskin 06.png 5x [Sun-Parched Waterskin]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 05.png 5x [Sun-Turned Curds]
2g 50s

The following only become available after completing certain quests[citation needed]  in Vol'dun:

Inv misc food 03.png 5x [Aged Alpaca Ricotta]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 16.png 5x [Dustmane Jerky]
2g 50s
Inv drink 26 goatsmilk.png 5x [Pricklevine Juice]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 43.png 5x [Whistlebloom Pomegranate]
2g 50s



Main article: The Best Honey In Vol'dun#Notes
Initial approach
Welcome to The Four Stingers, <race>, home to Vol'dun's only honey hive!
I just harvested a fresh batch, if you're interested.
Approach after completion of Rikati's quests
I knew you'd come back for more! I got a fresh batch right here, just for you.
Rhan'ka is still hiding out down in the oasis? I gotta go visit him one of these days...


  • He is surrounded by burning incense sticks to protect him from the wasps.

Patch changes

  • Battle for Azeroth Hotfix (2018-08-24): Rikati at The Four Stingers will now sell his wares, including his famous  [Snake on a Stick], to members of the Alliance.
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.

See also



External links