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Image of Rauvros
Gender Male
Race Blue dragonspawn (Dragonkin)
Level 65-68
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valdrakken Accord Blue dragonflight
Location Azure Span
Status Alive

Rauvros is a blue dragonspawn located in a tower in the Azure Span.



When approached
Oh, a guest! Welcome! Would you like to see my painting collection?
Approaching the different paintings
  • "The Vengeance of the Sea". One of Hudson's early works. A depiction of an old tuskarr tale. He had such energy to his brushwork, back then!
  • That one is "Peaks Rise". see how the points of the peaks contrast to the softer lines of the land and water below? A masterwork of composition!
  • Ah! That is "Dusk upon the Mountain", one of Hudson's last known pieces! Observe the melancholy of the color palette, with the stability of the composition. Sad, but... safe.

Hello, friend! Have you come to discuss some art?

After Even Trees Need Friends

Ah, of course meeting and learning from a master was too much of a dream come true.

I wonder what burden Hudson carries... what keeps him from painting. And if there even is anything anyone else can do to help him.

After N [65-68] Happy Little Accidents

Oh, Hudson is teaching me so many things! I can see my work improving by the day!

I'm certain I'll never be as good as him, but it feels so wonderful to learn.

Patch changes

External links