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Rangari D'kaan

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AllianceRangari D'kaan
Image of Rangari D'kaan
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 15-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Rangari
Location Naielle's Watch, Gorgrond[64.2, 51.9]
Status Alive

Rangari D'kaan is a draenei sent on a mission in Gorgrond. He travels through Naielle's Watch into the Highpass.

He assists the Alliance in Nagrand.

He is ultimately seen in Rangari Refuge.



Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.



Welcome to Gorgrond

What do we have here? A hero? Gorgrond is no place for heroes, my friend.

Gossip Welcome to Gorgrond

Well, well, a hero has come to our rescue. Be careful my friend, Gorgrond is no place for a hero.

Naielle's Watch

It is unwise to draw the attention of the genesaur and their fara. In their eyes, we are nothing more than plant food.


We are unaccustomed to having so many with us. Our rangari are trained to be self sufficient, and are used to surviving for long periods of time in the wilds.

You may find some of us prefer it that way.


The tankworks is built. Time to put it to good use and bring justice to Nagrand.


  • During the alpha, he was referred to as Ovuun the Dunewalker.

Patch changes

External links