Up and Running

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AllianceUp and Running
Start Rangari D'kaan
End Thaelin Darkanvil
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 14,800 experience
Rewards 14g 60s
Previous B [35-40] The Might of the Warsong
Next A [35-40] Operation: Surprise Party


Collect the Assorted Engineering Parts, Prop Rotor, and Transmission Flywheel.


The Warsong struck us hard. We lost Telaar, but we have a rare opportunity to strike at the heart of the Warsong.

We need your wisdom and leadership to pull it off, <name>.

First though, we're going to get our survivors out of Telaar. My rangari are ready to strike. We just need to get you to them.

Thaelin has a copter that can get you to them. Unfortunately, his hands are full just trying to keep the infernal thing running.

Help him get it up and running?


<name>, I can't tell you how great it is to see you.


For me? Really you shouldn't have.

Okay, this should do it.


You will also receive: 14g 60s


Patch changes

External links