Reglakk's Research (Alliance)

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AllianceReglakk's Research
Start Rangari Laara
End Rangari Laara
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 18,840 experience

 [Mighty Gorian Cleaver]
 [Mighty Gorian Greatsword]
 [Mighty Gorian Hunting Bow]
 [Mighty Gorian Dagger]
 [Mighty Gorian Shortsword]
 [Mighty Gorian Halberd]
 [Gorian Arcanist Spellstaff]
 [Gorian Arcanist Spiritshaker]

 [Mighty Gorian Headcracker]
30g 80s

B [35-40] Obtaining Ogre Offensive Orders
B [35-40] Meet Me in the Cavern

B [35-40] The Pride of Lok-rath
Next B [35-40] And Justice for Thrall
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35-40] Reglakk's Research.


Stop Grand Magister Reglakk.


These ogres have been using ancient Titan artifacts to empower a small cadre of specialized units called the Breakers. This Magister Reglakk is here studying ways to improve the process.

Let's put a stop to whatever rituals he has going up on the bluff.


That Felbreaker sounded tough! Good thing there's only a small number of them.

Nice job stopping Reglakk, but I'm sure he's safely back in Highmaul. The ogre capital will have to be dealt with sooner rather than later.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv axe 1h draenorquest95 b 01.png [Mighty Gorian Cleaver] Inv sword 2h draenorquest95 b 01.png [Mighty Gorian Greatsword]
Inv bow 1h draenorquest b 01.png [Mighty Gorian Hunting Bow] Inv knife 1h draenorquest95 b 01.png [Mighty Gorian Dagger]
Inv sword 1h draenorquest b 01.png [Mighty Gorian Shortsword] Inv polearm 2h draenorquest95 b 01.png [Mighty Gorian Halberd]
Inv staff 2h draenorquest95 b 01.png [Gorian Arcanist Spellstaff] Inv mace 1h draenorquest95 b 02.png [Gorian Arcanist Spiritshaker]
Inv mace 1h draenorquest b 02.png [Mighty Gorian Headcracker]

You will also receive: 30g 80s


Patch changes

External links