Queen Zaltra (book)

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Queen Zaltra.

Queen Zaltra[38.41, 32.26] is located on a bedside table in the Skein of the Dynasty in the City of Threads. Its contents can only be understood while under the effects of Potion of Polymorphic Translation: Nerubian. Reading it is required for  [Smelling History].



The "writing" of this book is a series of burns, slashes, punctures and strange scents that you lack the sensory organs to fully comprehend the meaning of.

While under the effects of Potion of Polymorphic Translation: Nerubian

The queen of cobwebs.

Zaltra, may her name never be spoken with grace but as a lesson in hubris.

In her arrogance, she strove to conquer the children of stone. Her mandibles of greed broke upon their carapace of metal. Against the will of her people, she drove the nerubians to war. So began the first recorded civil war in nerubian history. The queen attempted dominance over her subjects, wielding the scents of power.

The lords and sages refused. The dream of conquest was not theirs, and so they turned against Queen Zaltra.

Unwilling to slay her for fear of losing the knowledge of her strand, Zaltra was sent into exile until she would part with the knowledge held within her body.

Many claim Zaltra still walks the depths of the earth, lording over the cobwebs of old, waiting for a day when her dreams of conquest might come to fruition.

Addendum by Izvan the High Sage:

While Zaltra's body was never found, the knowledge of her strand lost, it is confirmed that no nerubian queen is immortal.

Age would have taken Zaltra many centuries before this addendum was added.

There is a small chance her knowledge may still be preserved within the strands of her corpse, mummified and waiting, a treasure only the nerubians[sic] people would understand.

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