Queen Zaltra

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This article is about the character. For the book, see Queen Zaltra (book).
Queen Zaltra
Image of Queen Zaltra
Title Queen of Cobwebs
Gender Female
Race Nerubian queen
Affiliation(s) Kingdom of Azj-Kahet
Status Deceased

Queen Zaltra was a nerubian queen of Azj-Kahet. Against the wishes of her people, she drove the nerubians to try to conquer the "children of stone". The lords and sages refused and turned against her, triggering the first recorded civil war in nerubian history. As the rebels did not want to execute her and risk losing the knowledge contained in her body, they instead sent her into exile until she would part with her knowledge. For a time, tales claimed that Zaltra continued to roam the depths, waiting for a time when her dreams of conquest might come to fruition. After centuries, it was clear that she must've died of old age, though her body was never found and there is a small chance that her valuable knowledge could still be preserved within the strands of her corpse should it ever be found. Zaltra's reign is remembered by the Kaheti as a cautionary tale of greed and hubris.[1]

A statue of Zaltra is located in the Skeins in the City of Threads, east the Royal Preservatorium.[39, 30.45] The statue's plaque can only be understood while under the effects of Potion of Polymorphic Translation: Nerubian.



Only the title is decipherable.

The "writing" on this placard is a series of burns, slashes, punctures and strange scents that you lack the sensory organs to fully comprehend the meaning of.

While under the effects of Potion of Polymorphic Translation: Nerubian

Queen Zaltra

The Queen of Cobwebs.
Remember her name. Remember her deeds.
Not with honor, but with hubris.

Patch changes


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