Queen Rickiticka

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MobQueen Rickiticka
Image of Queen Rickiticka
Gender Female
Race Undercrawler (Beast)
Level 73-75
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Chittering Den, Ringing Deeps
Status Killable
Pet family Spider

Queen Rickiticka is the queen of the undercrawlers located in the Chittering Den in the Ringing Deeps.


  • Inv giantspider2 black.png Infesting Maw — Queen Rickiticka takes a bite out of her current target, inflicting X Nature damage, and infesting them with spiders, inflicting an additional Y every 3 sec. When the infestation expires, three Hatchlings spring forth from the player.

Objective of

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Patch changes

External links