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Quackers the Terrible

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MobQuackers the Terrible
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Race Duck (Beast)
Level 62-65 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Ohn'ahran Plains
Status Killable
Pet family Waterfowl

Quackers the Terrible is a duck located in the Ohn'ahran Plains.


  1. When the Aylaag Camp is in the south position of Ohn'ahran Plains, there will be a  [Duck Trap Kit].
  2. Combine the Duck Trap Kit with 1x  [Large Sturdy Femur], 3x  [Contoured Fowlfeather], and 2x  [Tallstrider Sinew] to create  [Empty Duck Trap].
  3. South of the camp at the river, find a Large Nest at [68.16, 79.23].
  4. Throw the Empty Duck Trap at a nearby Pinewing Mallard to create  [Trapped Duck].
  5. Place the Trapped Duck in the Large Nest to act as a decoy and summon Quackers the Terrible.


  • Inv misc volatilewater.png Drench — Causes an enemy to inflict 20% decreased Frost damage. Inflicts 8 Frost damage to an enemy.
  • Ability shawaterelemental reform.png Waterfall — Splash a volley of freezing water, inflicting 50 Frost damage in the area.
  • Ability skyreach wind.png Wing Buffet — Inflicts 30 Physical damage to all enemies within 5 yards, knocking them back and reducing their speed by 30% for 6 sec.

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