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Pulling Fangs

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HordePulling Fangs
Start Sur'jan
End Sur'jan
Level 20-60
Category Nazmir
Experience 17,850
Reputation +75 Talanji's Expedition
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous H [20-60] Urok, Terror of the Wetlands
Next H [20-60] Safe Flying, H [20-60] Terrorizing their Eggs & H [20-60] There's No Eye in Skyterror


Recover 40 Saurid Teeth.


I need more things to help me get strong. I need you to get me some saurid teeth.

No, Sur'jan, you're not trusting <him/her> TOO much. Just enough. I won't be betrayed again.

I need dese teeth for a ritual I'm gonna perform to help me get my power back. Once I'm not so weak, you and I are gonna take down dis undead monster.


You will receive:


You got enough teeth for me?


Lemme count dem... good! Dis will work.

Shh, I said it will work, not dat we'd be done. Stop annoying me, Sur'jan!




  1. H [20-60] Urok, Terror of the Wetlands
  2. H [20-60] Crocolisk Life & H [20-60] Pulling Fangs
  3. H [20-60] Safe Flying, H [20-60] Terrorizing their Eggs & H [20-60] There's No Eye in Skyterror
  4. H [20-60] The Blood of My Enemies & H [20-60] My Head and Shoulders
  5. H [20-60] Urok's True Death

Patch changes

External links

es:Misión:Colmillos fuera