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There's No Eye in Skyterror

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HordeThere's No Eye in Skyterror
Start Sur'jan
End Sur'jan
Level 20-60
Category Nazmir
Experience 22,300
Reputation +250 Talanji's Expedition
Rewards  [Drained Bone Band]
or  [Jarkadiax's Other Eye]
46g 80s
Previous H [20-60] Crocolisk Life & H [20-60] Pulling Fangs
Next H [20-60] The Blood of My Enemies & H [20-60] My Head and Shoulders


Recover Jarkadiax's Eye.


There's a real big skyterror dat I name Jarkadiax. I need his tongue...

What's dat, Sur'jan? Not his tongue? His eye? You sure? Hrm.

I need his eye for my next ritual. I know what you're thinking. De tongue makes more sense. Dat's what I--

Look, Sur'jan, I still think it's his tongue. We'll see which of us is right!

Go get Jarkadiax's eye and bring it back to me for de next ritual.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv jewelry ring 66.png [Drained Bone Band] Inv fishing innards eye.png [Jarkadiax's Other Eye]

You will also receive:


I need dat eye. You get it yet?


You got de eye!

I feel de power coming from dis thing. Can you see it?

Shut up, Sur'jan. I know YOU can see it, I was talking to him!




  1. H [20-60] Urok, Terror of the Wetlands
  2. H [20-60] Crocolisk Life & H [20-60] Pulling Fangs
  3. H [20-60] Safe Flying, H [20-60] Terrorizing their Eggs & H [20-60] There's No Eye in Skyterror
  4. H [20-60] The Blood of My Enemies & H [20-60] My Head and Shoulders
  5. H [20-60] Urok's True Death

Patch changes

External links

es:Misión:Desojar al aterracielos