Pride of Beledar

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MobPride of Beledar
Image of Pride of Beledar
Race Shalehorn (Beast)
Level 80 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Fangs, Hallowfall[57.6, 48.4]
Status Killable
Pet family Stag

Pride of Beledar is a shalehorn located atop a cliff at the Fangs in Hallowfall.


  • Inv misc monsterhorn 08.png Goring Horn — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy and additional Physical damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.
  • Ability warstomp.png Stampede — The caster charges at the target, inflicting Physical damage to players and knocking them away.

Objective of


  • Benevolent Hornstag Cinch
  • Bestial Underground Cleaver
  • Cavernous Critter Shooter
  • Charm of the Underground Beast
  • Fierce Beast Staff
  • Lance of Beledar's Pride


  • When Beledar goes dark, its name becomes Wrath of Beledar instead.
  • Keeps its name when tamed but if tamed as Wrath of Beledar it reverts back to Pride of Beledar.
  • Be careful where you stand when he casts Stampede. It's easy to get knocked off of the rock if you're standing in the wrong place and it hits you.

Patch changes

External links