Porting addons to Classic
Addons for Retail will in most cases work on Classic with removal of any non-Classic API.
If you don't have an error handling addon, get BugSack or Swatter or enable CVar scriptErrors.
See also Patch 1.13.2/API changes.
Globe can tell you which API functions/events in an addon have been removed in Classic, if the TOC is set to the Retail version and with Globe: check-classic
For example: https://www.townlong-yak.com/globe/#h:2a8385bff94e98a6bad8f5f09b45a148-reads
## Interface: 110007 ## Globe: check-classic
There is a list of Classic-specific API and a complete list of Classic API. The TOC version is
You can use the WOW_PROJECT_ID global (defined in BNet.lua) to check for Classic or Retail.
- Texture:SetTexture() can no longer set color textures in Patch 7.0.3, use Texture:SetColorTexture(r, g, b [, a]) instead.
- PlaySound() only accepts SoundKitIDs in Patch 7.0.3
old: PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn") new: PlaySound(SOUNDKIT.IG_MAINMENU_OPTION_CHECKBOX_ON)
- PlaySoundFile() only accepts FileDataIDs for game sounds in Patch 8.2.0
old: PlaySoundFile("Sound/Spells/LevelUp.ogg") new: PlaySoundFile(569593)
Maps were reworked in Patch 8.0.1 and the stateful API was changed to be stateless.
- WorldMapAreaIDs were replaced with UiMapIDs.
- It's no longer needed to call SetMapToCurrentZone() and GetCurrentMapAreaID() to get the current zone UI map, instead use C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player")
Combat Log
The combat log was reworked in Patch 2.4.0
- The event payload is returned from CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo() since Patch 8.0.1
- See COMBAT_LOG_EVENT for details.
Frame Scripts
Most Vanilla addons still define their frames in XML, since CreateFrame() was only added in Patch 1.10
- Parameters like
this, event, arg1, arg2, arg3
are no longer globals for the script handler. This was changed in Patch 4.0.1
They are now passed like soOnEvent(self, event, ...)
orOnEvent(self, event, someVar1, someVar2, someVar3)
- The
parameter was unique to WoW frame scripts. It can generally be replaced withself
Quick fix
There are multiple ways to handle frame scripts in XML. For simplicity's sake we will only describe a quick fix in blue text.
- Lua
function SomeAddon_OnLoad(self) self:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") end function SomeAddon_OnEvent(self, event, addon) print(self, event, addon) end
<Frame name="SomeAddon"> <Scripts> <OnLoad> SomeAddon_OnLoad(self) </OnLoad> <OnEvent> SomeAddon_OnEvent(self, event, ...) </OnEvent> </Scripts> </Frame>
Lua only
It's also possible to create a frame and handle the scripts in Lua without use of XML, depending on how simple the addon is.
local function OnEvent(self, event, addon) print(self, event, addon) end local f = CreateFrame("Frame") f:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") f:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)