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These are unique numeric identifiers for zone maps. They can be obtained by calling the GetCurrentMapAreaID or GetQuestWorldMapAreaID API functions, or from the tables below. These values can be passed to the SetMapByID and GetMapNameByID API functions, or used as a locale-independent way to identify zones.

This list may require updating from time to time. Please consider adding or correcting data in this list. The simplest way to get the MapID for the zone you are currently in is to enter "/dump C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player")" into the chat window. Also, beware that -all- MapIDs will change in Battle for Azeroth.

Note that 'MapID' is a very misleading term. Though often used in the WoW API community (and even in a few regrettable cases by the Blizzard UI Team itself), the correct term is 'WorldMapAreaID' (or for Battle For Azeroth onwards, UIMapID). 'MapID' (sometimes called 'InstanceID' in the API) in the game files is -extensively- used to refer to actual physical levels of the world (i.e. there is a map for Kalimdor, but none for any subzone of it, because Kalimdor is a single entity in the world). There are also two other types of related IDs which you may see in the API: 'AreaTableID' (sometimes called AreaID) and 'DungeonMapID'. Those are both separate entries from 'WorldMapAreaID' and 'MapID'.

Despite the misleading nature of the term, its widespread adoption means that whenever you hear somebody in the community mention a 'MapID', 99% of the time they will be referring to a 'WorldMapAreaID' (including this page).

World Maps

MapID Map Name
-1 World
-1 Azeroth


Map ID Map Name
13 Kalimdor
772 Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom
894 Ammen Vale
43 Ashenvale
181 Azshara
464 Azuremyst Isle
476 Bloodmyst Isle
890 Camp Narache
42 Darkshore
381 Darnassus
101 Desolace
4 Durotar
141 Dustwallow Marsh
891 Echo Isles
182 Felwood
121 Feralas
795 Molten Front
241 Moonglade
606 Mount Hyjal
9 Mulgore
11 Northern Barrens
321 Orgrimmar
888 Shadowglen
261 Silithus
607 Southern Barrens
81 Stonetalon Mountains
161 Tanaris
41 Teldrassil
471 The Exodar
61 Thousand Needles
362 Thunder Bluff
720 Uldum
201 Un'Goro Crater
889 Valley of Trials
281 Winterspring

Eastern Kingdoms

MapID Map Name
14 Eastern Kingdoms
614 Abyssal Depths
16 Arathi Highlands
17 Badlands
19 Blasted Lands
29 Burning Steppes
866 Coldridge Valley
32 Deadwind Pass
892 Deathknell
27 Dun Morogh
34 Duskwood
23 Eastern Plaguelands
30 Elwynn Forest
462 Eversong Woods
463 Ghostlands
545 Gilneas
611 Gilneas City
24 Hillsbrad Foothills
341 Ironforge
499 Isle of Quel'Danas
610 Kelp'thar Forest
35 Loch Modan
895 New Tinkertown
37 Northern Stranglethorn
864 Northshire
36 Redridge Mountains
684 Ruins of Gilneas
685 Ruins of Gilneas City
28 Searing Gorge
615 Shimmering Expanse
480 Silvermoon City
21 Silverpine Forest
301 Stormwind City
689 Stranglethorn Vale
893 Sunstrider Isle
38 Swamp of Sorrows
673 The Cape of Stranglethorn
26 The Hinterlands
502 The Scarlet Enclave
20 Tirisfal Glades
708 Tol Barad
709 Tol Barad Peninsula
700 Twilight Highlands
382 Undercity
613 Vashj'ir
22 Western Plaguelands
39 Westfall
40 Wetlands


MapID Map Name
466 Outland
475 Blade's Edge Mountains
465 Hellfire Peninsula
477 Nagrand
479 Netherstorm
473 Shadowmoon Valley
481 Shattrath City
478 Terokkar Forest
467 Zangarmarsh


MapID Map Name
485 Northrend
486 Borean Tundra
510 Crystalsong Forest
504 Dalaran
488 Dragonblight
490 Grizzly Hills
491 Howling Fjord
541 Hrothgar's Landing
492 Icecrown
493 Sholazar Basin
495 The Storm Peaks
501 Wintergrasp
496 Zul'Drak

The Maelstrom

MapID Map Name
751 The Maelstrom
640 Deepholm
605 Kezan
544 The Lost Isles
737 The Maelstrom


MapID Map Name
862 Pandaria
858 Dread Wastes
929 Isle of Giants
928 Isle of Thunder
857 Krasarang Wilds
809 Kun-Lai Summit
905 Shrine of Seven Stars
903 Shrine of Two Moons
806 The Jade Forest
873 The Veiled Stair
808 The Wandering Isle
951 Timeless Isle
810 Townlong Steppes
811 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
807 Valley of the Four Winds


MapID Map Name
962 Draenor
978 Ashran
941 Frostfire Ridge
976 Frostwall
949 Gorgrond
971 Lunarfall
950 Nagrand
947 Shadowmoon Valley
948 Spires of Arak
1009 Stormshield
946 Talador
945 Tanaan Jungle
970 Tanaan Jungle - Assault on the Dark Portal
1011 Warspear

The Broken Isles

MapID Map Name
1007 Broken Isles
1015 Aszuna
1021 Broken Shore
1014 Dalaran
1098 Eye of Azshara
1024 Highmountain
1017 Stormheim
1033 Suramar
1018 Val'sharah
1170 Mac'Aree
1171 Antoran Wastes
1135 Krokuun
1184 Argus

Order Halls

MapID Map Name Class
1068 Hall of the Guardian Mage
1052 Mardum, the Shattered Abyss Demon Hunter
1040 Netherlight Temple Priest
1035 Skyhold Warrior
1077 The Dreamgrove Druid
1057 The Heart of Azeroth Shaman
1044 The Wandering Isle Monk
1072 Trueshot Lodge Hunter


MapID Map Name
-1 Blade's Edge Arena
-1 Dalaran Arena
-1 Nagrand Arena
-1 Ruins of Lordaeron
-1 The Ring of Valor


MapID Map Name
401 Alterac Valley
461 Arathi Basin
935 Deepwind Gorge
482 Eye of the Storm
540 Isle of Conquest
860 Silvershard Mines
512 Strand of the Ancients
856 Temple of Kotmogu
736 The Battle for Gilneas
626 Twin Peaks
443 Warsong Gulch


MapID Map Name
878 A Brewing Storm
912 A Little Patience
899 Arena of Annihilation
883 Assault on Zan'vess
940 Battle on the High Seas
939 Blood in the Snow
884 Brewmoon Festival
955 Celestial Tournament
900 Crypt of Forgotten Kings
914 Dagger in the Dark
937 Dark Heart of Pandaria
920 Domination Point (H)
880 Greenstone Village
911 Lion's Landing (A)
1086 Malorne's Nightmare
1099 The Road to Fel
938 The Secrets of Ragefire
906 Theramore's Fall (A)
851 Theramore's Fall (H)
882 Unga Ingoo

Classic Dungeons

MapID Map Name
688 Blackfathom Deeps
704 Blackrock Depths
721 Blackrock Spire
699 Dire Maul
691 Gnomeregan
750 Maraudon
680 Ragefire Chasm
760 Razorfen Downs
761 Razorfen Kraul
764 Shadowfang Keep
765 Stratholme
756 The Deadmines
690 The Stockade
687 The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
692 Uldaman
749 Wailing Caverns
686 Zul'Farrak

Classic Raids

MapID Map Name
755 Blackwing Lair
696 Molten Core
717 Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
766 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj

The Burning Crusade Dungeons

MapID Map Name
722 Auchenai Crypts
797 Hellfire Ramparts
798 Magisters' Terrace
732 Mana-Tombs
734 Old Hillsbrad Foothills
723 Sethekk Halls
724 Shadow Labyrinth
731 The Arcatraz
733 The Black Morass
725 The Blood Furnace
729 The Botanica
730 The Mechanar
710 The Shattered Halls
728 The Slave Pens
727 The Steamvault
726 The Underbog

The Burning Crusade Raids

MapID Map Name
796 Black Temple
776 Gruul's Lair
775 Hyjal Summit
799 Karazhan
779 Magtheridon's Lair
780 Serpentshrine Cavern
789 Sunwell Plateau
782 The Eye

Wrath Dungeons

MapID Map Name
522 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
533 Azjol-Nerub
534 Drak'Tharon Keep
530 Gundrak
525 Halls of Lightning
603 Halls of Reflection
526 Halls of Stone
602 Pit of Saron
521 The Culling of Stratholme
601 The Forge of Souls
520 The Nexus
528 The Oculus
536 The Violet Hold
542 Trial of the Champion
523 Utgarde Keep
524 Utgarde Pinnacle

Wrath Raids

MapID Map Name
604 Icecrown Citadel
535 Naxxramas
718 Onyxia's Lair
527 The Eye of Eternity
531 The Obsidian Sanctum
609 The Ruby Sanctum
543 Trial of the Crusader
529 Ulduar
532 Vault of Archavon

Cataclysm Dungeons

MapID Map Name
753 Blackrock Caverns
820 End Time
757 Grim Batol
759 Halls of Origination
819 Hour of Twilight
747 Lost City of the Tol'vir
768 The Stonecore
769 The Vortex Pinnacle
767 Throne of the Tides
816 Well of Eternity
781 Zul'Aman
793 Zul'Gurub

Cataclysm Raids

MapID Map Name
752 Baradin Hold
754 Blackwing Descent
824 Dragon Soul
800 Firelands
758 The Bastion of Twilight
773 Throne of the Four Winds

Pandaria Dungeons

MapID Map Name
875 Gate of the Setting Sun
885 Mogu'Shan Palace
871 Scarlet Halls
874 Scarlet Monastery
898 Scholomance
877 Shado-pan Monastery
887 Siege of Niuzao Temple
876 Stormstout Brewery
867 Temple of the Jade Serpent

Pandaria Raids

MapID Map Name
897 Heart of Fear
896 Mogu'shan Vaults
953 Siege of Orgrimmar
886 Terrace of Endless Spring
930 Throne of Thunder

Draenor Dungeons

MapID Map Name
984 Auchindoun
964 Bloodmaul Slag Mines
993 Grimrail Depot
987 Iron Docks
969 Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
989 Skyreach
1008 The Everbloom
995 Upper Blackrock Spire

Draenor Raids

MapID Map Name
994 Highmaul
988 Blackrock Foundry
1026 Hellfire Citadel

Legion Dungeons

MapID Map Name
1081 Black Rook Hold
1146 Cathedral of Eternal Night
1087 Court of Stars
1067 Darkheart Thicket
1046 Eye of Azshara
1041 Halls of Valor
1042 Maw of Souls
1065 Neltharion's Lair
1115 Return to Karazhan
1079 The Arcway
1045 Vault of the Wardens
1066 Violet Hold
1178 Seat of the Triumvirate

Legion Raids

MapID Map Name
1094 The Emerald Nightmare
1114 Trial of Valor
1088 The Nighthold
1147 Tomb of Sargeras
1188 Antorus, the Burning Throne

Legion Scenarios

MapID Map Name
1084 Gloaming Reef
1105 Scarlet Monastery
1144 Shado-Pan Showdown
1173 Arcatraz
1177 The Deaths of Chromie
1202 Forge of Aeons
1212 The Vindicaar While unlocking Lightforged draenei
1217 H [40-70] Remember the Sunwell

Patch changes