Pollen Power

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AlliancePollen Power
Start Rangari Kaalya [46.1, 76.7]
End Rangari Kaalya [46.1, 76.7]
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Experience 14100
Rewards 50 [Garrison Resources]
18g 90s
Previous A [15-40] The Voice of Iyu, A [15-40] The Infested, A [15-40] Super Seeds
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-40] Pollen Power.


Collect 20 Potent Pollen.


The botani use monstrous insect-like creatures to pollinate their bloom.

The pollen they carry has a number of powerful properties that would be of use to your garrison forces.

If you bring me a reserve of this pollen I should be able to convert it to something of value.


You will receive: 50x [Garrison Resources] and 18g 90s


Do you have the pollen?


Keep this up and we'll make a survivalist out of you yet.


  • 14100 XP


Pick up A [15-40] Dark Iron Down and A [15-40] Bushwhacker before heading out.

Across the road to the west, get to killing Golden Pollinators and Thicket Ravagers.


  1. A [15-40] Deeproot / H [15-40] The Razorbloom
  2. Complete all of:
    • Finding the infected:
    1. A [15-40] The Razorbloom / H [15-40] Mossy Fate
    2. B [15-40] The Voice of Iyu
  3. Complete all of:
  4. Complete all of:
  5. A [15-40] Do the Dew / H [15-40] Secrets of the Botani
  6. B [15-40] The Life Spring
  7. A [15-40] A Heavy Helping Hand / H [15-40] Thieving Dwarves
  8. Complete all of:
  9. B [15-40] Iyu
  10. B [15-40] Power of the Genesaur

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