Super Seeds

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AllianceSuper Seeds
Start Primal Seeds [49.5, 70.9]
End Thaelin Darkanvil [46.1, 76.9]
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Experience 21150
Rewards 18g 90s
Previous A [15-40] The Razorbloom
Next A [15-40] Dark Iron Down, A [15-40] Bushwhacker, A [15-40] Pollen Power
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-40] Super Seeds.


Collect Enriched Seeds.


These seeds have been shielded with care by the botani.

Great power can be felt surging out of these tiny vessels of life.

These may prove useful.


You will receive: 18g 90s


What have ya found?


I may not know much about farmin', but I do know a power source when I see it. These seeds are packin' quite a punch.

Way to think on yer feet and grab 'em, Commander.


  • 21150 XP


In the area with the Voice of Iyu in the Razorbloom, find the Primal Seeds in the clearing just to the north.

On return:

Yrel says: Why did you join us, Kaalya? If we are such an inconvenience, why not leave us to our own devices?
Rangari Kaalya says: Rangari do not leave people behind.


  1. A [15-40] Deeproot / H [15-40] The Razorbloom
  2. Complete all of:
    • Finding the infected:
    1. A [15-40] The Razorbloom / H [15-40] Mossy Fate
    2. B [15-40] The Voice of Iyu
  3. Complete all of:
  4. Complete all of:
  5. A [15-40] Do the Dew / H [15-40] Secrets of the Botani
  6. B [15-40] The Life Spring
  7. A [15-40] A Heavy Helping Hand / H [15-40] Thieving Dwarves
  8. Complete all of:
  9. B [15-40] Iyu
  10. B [15-40] Power of the Genesaur

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