Cut Them Down

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HordeCut Them Down
Start Draka
End Draka
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Rewards 14,100 XP
18g 90s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-40] Coalpart's Revenge.


Slay 3 Dew Masters.


They steal children? Children?!

Had you not rescued Kaz's child, he would be reduced to mulch just like the others.

You should send them a message they will understand. Cut down their great dew casters. Rip them apart.

Let them know that it is not okay to take our children.


  • You will receive: 18g 90s


They are lucky you are the one that killed them. I would have tried to carve pictures in their dead wood bodies.

Patch changes

External links